It's Birthday Time

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Dianne's POV:

Today is the big 22ndbirthday I can't believe how fast she has grown up since about 7 years ago when I first meet her. She will be finishing her bachelor in acting in two days and then if she want's she can move to America if she wants too. Joe and I had planned a big party for her as it will be a graduation party as well as a birthday party, we had gotten gold balloons that spelled out happy birthday, silver balloons that had 22 on them, gold ribbon to hang down the windows of the apartment and gold, silver and black decorations to hang around the place. And the cake was a 3-tier cake with white icing and Disney all over it because Jess loves Disney. We were getting ready when Zoe and Alfie walked in carrying a huge gift. "is that for me?" Joe Joked taking it from Alfie's hands and putting it under the table for all the presents. "So, where's the birthday girl at the moment?" Alfie asked looking around for her. "she's in her room getting ready for the party she will be here in a second." I said looking at them with a smile. Not too long later Jess appeared in the lounge room and hugged Zoe and Alfie. "how you are feeling 22 today and graduating in two days?" Zoe asked while embracing Jess in a hug. They pulled away and Jess gave Zoe a nerves smile. It wasn't too long and all of Jess friends had turned up for the party even some of the buttercream gang came with their families.

Joe's POV:

Everyone was chatting about different things I went over to talk to Caspar we talked about how things have changed over the years. "your married and now have a daughter who is your best friend oh how times have changed." Caspar said. It wasn't long then it was time to cut the cake Dianne brought the cake out and sat it on the table in front of Jess. She cut the cake, and everyone cheered I turned the camera to face Dianne who was taking a Picture of Jess handing out the slices, I turned the camera off and put one arm around her and smiled at Jess. It was now time for the presents I turned the camera on and faced it towards Jess, she open one from Caspar and Amber that was a necklace that had a 22 pendent on it, she then opened a cropped shirt with a little Avocado and carrot on it from Byron and Emily. All of her friends got together and put a little card and scrapbook together of all their favourite things and memories over the last few years of their bachelor with a few photos of Tom Thompson in it, they are obsessed with him. She then opened the present from Zoe and Alfie it was a big painting the Zoe, Jess, Alfie, Dianne and me that we had gotten done in Brighton, but this was a lot bigger than the one Zoe got. Finally, it was time for everyone to go home except for Zoe and Alfie as they were staying with us until after Jess graduation.

Jess's POV:

It was such a good a day I got to spend it with my friends and family, and I love my mum and dad so much for making this day so special. I walked into the living room to see mum and dad sitting on the couch. "hey sweetie how was your day." Dianne said as she walked to me. "it was really good mum thank you so much." I replied with the biggest smile on my face when dad walked over and embraced us both in a hug "I'm glad you liked it." Joe said before pulling out and smiling at us both. I sat down and watched Friends with Joe and Dianne when Joe looked at me "you're wearing the necklace we got you." He smiled at me I smiled back "of course daddy I love it." We finished watching TV and went and got dinner what a day it was. When we got to the closet fast food place we sat down and talked about what was going to happen next, we may be family now, but we still act like best friends. "what do you want to do after graduation, Jess." Dianne asked me I smiled and answered the best way I could. "well since I don't do dance any more competitively, I still want to dance as well as act, so I was thinking of auditioning for Broadway." They both looked at me and smiled. It was soon time to go home when we got home, I went straight to bed.

Joe's POV:

I am so proud of her she has grown up so much over the years, but I also didn't want her to grow up. We walked in Jess went to bed as she was tired. Dianne and I sat down on the couch together Dianne snuggled into me and looked up at me "she's growing up on us Sugg." I looked down and kissed the top of her head. "I know she is Reddo I know." 

Soulmates-a Joe and Dianne love story 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz