26. Consequences

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Hi fam!

There is an edit attached in the media box; someone sent that in after the last chapter. Wow. It blew my mind away to know how much you guys were connected to the story and to Abhimanyu's character.

Some of you were very, very kind enough to leave a string of good words in the Note I posted after the previous update.

I might've not replied to everyone yet, but I've read every single one of them. Even a small heart that you would've left, made me smile. It brightened my day and my mood.

Sometimes, negativity brings you down and you can't help. When y'all hate on my characters, I can't help but take it to me. I know that's a crazy thing to do, but can't help.

But like I said, you guys were extremely sweet to me. And I don't know what I have done to deserve all the love you all show me.

A heartfelt thank you. You are the reason I continue writing despite of everything.

If you're continuing to read this story, I'm grateful towards you.

Enjoy Reading!

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Warning: It is important to remember that not every person thinks like you. Every character is different. They have their own blacks and own whites; everyone is grey. If everyone thought alike, the world would be full of duplicates of you. But it isn't, because different people are different. Your opinion might not match some of the character's decisions, but your opinion is still valued. Just remember to be kind.

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name: Consequences
word count: 3700 words
published on: 26th August, 2029

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Warning: We take two leaps in this chapter. Don't miss them out.



「 Three Months Later 」

The water filled around me, slowly rising from my feet to my chest and then to my shoulders, gradually even rising over my lips and touching my nose. I kept trying to jump as much as I could, trying to defeat the water level but the pressure kept pushing me down.

I was suffocating, trying to grab something or to get some air. Anything would do. I was desperate for oxygen, to live, to see the sun rise the next day.

It was all tiring. I should have listened to my mother. I should have stayed out of the waters. I shouldn't have tried finding a fucking fish in the sea when I knew well that Dad would have opened an entire aquarium on one request of mine.

And now the water was taking me inside. It was consuming me slowly, making me beg for air, torturing ever cell of my body perhaps the way I deserved to die. The more I tried rising to the surface, the more the currents pulled me inside.

Maybe I should stop fighting altogether. Maybe I should give up. Maybe I was meant to die young.

Only if I could see my Mom one more time and tell her how much I love her, and that she should be happy and I'd never want her to be sad after me. Only if I could tell Dad that he was the best father in this world and thank him for everything he did for me.

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