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Dara came out of her room. She can smell something good is being cooked in the kitchen. When she went there, she saw Young Bae cooking while GD is sitting on the kitchen stool.

"You're here again?" she asks.

GD and Young Bae look at her direction. GD smiles upon seeing her. Dara's heart skipped a beat upon seeing those smiles.

"Good morning. And yes, we're here. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes." GD said. Dara walked carefully towards the dining table. GD went to get some mug and went to the coffee maker. He pours coffee into the mug. He took a teaspoon and added two spoonfuls of sugar and creamer. He brought the coffee and place it in front of Dara. "Two sugar and two creams. Just like you wanted," he said.

"You didn't really need to do this," Dara said.

"Dara-yah" Young Bae speaks. "Just let him be. This way, he will know how Dae Sung and I feel when he asks everything to us. Make him do chores too." Young Bae jokes. GD scowls at Young Bae.

"Where's Hyo Rin?" she asked.

"Oh. She's in her room. When we arrived, she just got back from her morning jog. I told her to freshen up for breakfast." GD said.

"I see," Dara sighs. "She's going around Tokyo today. She'll go to some famous tourist spots. She's going back to Seoul in two days." Dara said sadly. Young Bae looks at Dara. Hyo Rin is going back to Seoul soon. Young Bae shook his head and continue to cook. Hyo Rin came out from her room, all dressed up for her day out in Tokyo. She places her bag on the sofa before heading to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Unnie," she said. Dara smiles at her. "Good morning. You look pretty today." Dara praises her. Hyo Rin flips her hair back. "Thank you," she said coyly. She went to the kitchen and grab some mug for her coffee. She looks at Young Bae who 's busy at cooking. He's been cooking breakfast and lunch for them whenever he and GD visit them. She walked closer to him.

"Young Bae-yah" she calls her. Young Bae looks at her. Young Bae feels like he's blushing upon seeing her on her casual clothes. It's simple but she looks lovely in it. "What?" he asked.

"Do you want some coffee? I'm making one for myself," she smiles at him. Young Bae looks back at what he is cooking. "Sure,"

"Sugar and cream?"

"Just black," he said.

"Ohh! Same. I like my coffee black too." Hyo Rin said before she left him. Young Bae smiles timidly. When Young Bae was done cooking. He starts placing their food on the table. GD helped by scooping rice from everyone.

They all settled in their seats and starts eating.

"Unnie, do you want anything when I get back?" Hyo Rin asked.

"Some takoyaki. Two sets." Dara said. Hyo Rin just nodded. Young Bae keeps on glancing at Hyo Rin. GD noticed it.

"So, Hyo Rin, where are you going today?" GD asked.

"Well, I checked the internet and find the best place to go here in Tokyo. I already set up my maps and wrote down the places I will go to." Hyo Rin said confidently.

"You're going to the places that you just saw on the internet?" GD inquired. Hyo Rin nodded. GD smirks before sipping his coffee. "Sounds boring,"

"Excuse me?" Hyo Rin looked offended. Young Bae glares at GD.

"If you already saw it on the internet, what's the used of going there? You should go around and explore new things. Not just because the internet suggested it," GD points out.

"Well, I just don't want to get lost. This city is huge!" Hyo Rin said. GD looks at Young Bae. "Bring Young Bae with you,"

"What?" Young Bae and Hyo Rin said in union.

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