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A few years ago...

Seung Hyun was roaming around the art exhibit held in the auditorium of the university. The art pieces were made by the representative of different departments of their university. But Seung Hyun was looking at one particular painting. It was beautiful and sad at the same time. It was an abstract painting and he's mesmerized about it.

"Isn't it weird?" someone said. Seung Hyun looks at his side and saw a man standing beside him. He's in his formal suit, looking like a young businessman. His shorter than him. He's handsome, Seung Hyun can't deny that.

"I don't know about you..." Seung Hyun looks back at the painting. "But I think it's beautiful and sad at the same time." Seung Hyun said.

"Why?" the man asks as he stares at Seung Hyun.

"They are mixed of various colors, mostly primary colors but that black one brings sadness to it. Like the artist behind it is saying that he's happy but sad at the same time." Seung Hyun observed. Then he looks back at the man. He was smiling while staring at Seung Hyun.

"You have an eye for art." the man said.

"I major in contemporary art. I do paint but I like appreciating other's work more." Seung Hyun shrugs.

"Are you planning to be a curator?"

Seung Hyun smiles. "Some art galleries are offering me a job once I finish my master's degree. Technically, I am a curator."

"That's cool." the man said. "I'm Kwon Ji Yong, by the way." Ji Yong held his hand out for him. Seung Hyun took and shake it. "Choi Seung Hyun." Seung Hyun replied. Ji Yong grins at him and lets go of his hand. Ji Yong suddenly walks away from him to Seung Hyun's surprise.

"That's weird." Seung Hyun mutters. He looks back at the painting and read the label in it.

Kwon Ji Yong
Grad. School (Business Administration)

Seung Hyun looks around to find Ji Yong. He was heading out of the auditorium. Seung Hyun hurriedly follows him but when he's out of the auditorium, Ji Yong was gone.


Seung Hyun can't stop thinking about Ji Yong after that incident to the point that he tries to find him. He confirmed that Ji Yong was a grad student in the Business Administration department but Seung Hyun being a Contemporary Art major made the department student look at him weirdly. He stopped asking about Ji Yong after one of the people he asks looked at him from head to foot before walking away from him. He guesses that snobby rich people also exist in real life.

He went to the coffee shop near the university to read quietly on the favorite spot where he always stays. He was busy flipping his book when someone sat across him. He looked up and surprised to see Ji Yong. He was smiling at him.

"Hi." Ji Yong greets him.

"Hey." Seung Hyun breathes.

Ji Yong sips his coffee before he speaks. "My classmates mentioned that a guy from the art department was looking for me. Do you know who is it?"

Seung Hyun feels embarrassed at that moment. He closes his book and sets it aside. "Sorry. I was just looking for you."

Ji Yong leans back and crossed his arms on his chest. "Why?"

Seung Hyun scratches the back of his head. "After you left, I just noticed the label of the painting. I didn't know that you're the one who painted it. You must find me weird for saying those things about your painting." Seung Hyun stated.

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