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Mino is waiting for Jinu in the living room. He already bought their breakfast. Jinu is going home to their hometown for a short vacation. Jinu comes out of his room with his backpack and small luggage. Mino stood up and smiles at him.

"Hyung, I brought breakfast. Let's eat." Mino said. Jinu nods and they head to the dining table. Mino sat down while Mino gets some coffee for them. After preparing the coffee, he went back and places the coffee mugs on the table before sitting down.

They silently eat their breakfast. Mino is nervous about what he had to say while Jinu doesn't want to ask him how is he since he knows that he's perfectly fine and might tell about his relationship with Seung Hyun so far.

Mino looks up at Jinu. "Hyung?"


"Should I accompany you to the terminal?" Mino asks.

"No need. I can handle it." Jinu slightly smiles. "So, what is that thing you need to discuss with me?"

Mino sits up properly and let go of his spoon. "Hyung, I've been living with you for a long time. I'm really grateful because I'm practically living for free and you even help me with my needs in college. I will be forever in debt from you."

"I helped you because I want to and you deserve it." Jinu points out. "I'm not academically that good. But I'm good as a part-timer. I saw that you really want to finish your degree and I'm capable of helping you, so you don't need to thank me."

"I know. But still, thank you." Mino grins. "Hyung, I want you to know that when I came up with this decision, I was not only thinking of myself but my family too."

Jinu wants to cover his ears at that moment and cry but he can't.

"Hyung, I've been looking for my own place. Well, Seung Hyun Hyung helps me. He's checking some places for me since I have no idea about this home stuff. But I want to be independent. I know that I can be independent while living with you but I want to have my own space, to try living on my own from now own. I love living with you, but I need to do this for myself. Anyway, we can visit each other always. You're free to go to my place and spend the night there." Mino grins nervously. "Please don't think that I'm abandoning you."

Jinu puts down his spoon and looks straight at Mino "Mino, I would never think of that. We are friends. I somehow expected this, just not this early. But I guess it's time." Jinu smiles at Mino but it didn't reach his eyes. "I'm happy with what you achieved, Mino. You deserve everything you have now. Yes, I will go to your place and spend time with you like we usually do. I bet it will be a huge mess since you'll be living alone" Jinu chuckles. Mino scratches the back of his head and smiles sheepishly. Jinu leans a bit towards Mino. "I will help you move to your new place if you need me."

"Thank you, hyung." Mino reaches for Jinu's hand and holds it. "Thank you for everything"

Jinu pats his hand before he pulls his hand off his hold. "Let's finish our breakfast. I need to catch up at the 9 AM bus." He said. They continue to eat after that.


At that moment, Ji Yong and Dae Sung finished their morning run. When they got back at their home, Young Bae already did preparing breakfast. They sat down and Ji Yong grabs the bottled water Young Bae prepares for them.

Young Bae places some soup on the table.

"Ji Yong?" Young Bae calls him. Ji Yong looks up at him.

"Aren't we going back to Tokyo?" he asks. Ji Yong blinks. They had to go back to Tokyo. Ji Yong looks down on his plate. "Do we have a schedule there?"

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