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Ji Yong arrived at Seung Hyun's place. Luckily, Dara has work in Incheon that day and as far as he knows, Mino is in Daejeon with his family. He hurriedly went to Seung Hyun's apartment. He didn't even bother to ring his doorbell and just punched the code of his door lock. When he enters, Seung Hyun comes out of his bedroom. He's wearing a black hoodie and pants.

Ji Yong approaches him and stood in front of him. "I'm here," he said while smiling brightly at him. He tossed his jacket and bag on the sofa. Seung Hyun, on the other hand, didn't smile back at him.

"Ji Yong-ah,"


"We were caught." He said. Ji Yong froze. "What do you mean?"

"We were caught. Someone saw us when went to watch a movie. He saw us holding each other and when I kissed the top of your head. He even saw us together while we walk back to your car." Seung Hyun explains.

"Who is it?" Ji Yong inquires.

"Seungri, our friend at the club. He didn't tell me directly but he told Dong Wook. Dong Wook talked to me last night. He told me what Seungri saw."

Ji Yong feels nervous at that moment. He's scared. Will this be their end?

"Ji Yong, we should stop this. Let's stop this before Dara and Mino find out." Seung Hyun pleaded. Ji Yong doesn't like the idea. He doesn't want to end their relationship this early. He reacher for Seung Hyun's arms and hold on to it. "We'll be careful next time. No public dates or dates in Seoul. We can go far away. We only have a few weeks, Seung Hyun" Ji Yong pleaded. Seung Hyun sighs frustratedly, pull off his arms from his hold and paces back and forth. Then he stops in front of Ji Yong.

"Ji Yong, can't you see? Someone knew. This has to end." Seung Hyun looks frustrated and sad. "L-let's stop seeing each other like this and just focus on our own relationships. We can't do this anymore. Dong Wook warned me that if I didn't stop, he will tell Mino himself. I don't want that." he sounds helpless.

Ji Yong scowls "Why does his opinion matter? How can you only be a concern with Mino's feelings?" Ji Yong asks Seung Hyun, "How about me?"

"Because this is wrong from the beginning and you know that. We both know that." Seung Hyun hissed. He runs his hand on his hair and huffs. "Let me ask you this, can you leave Dara for me? Are you willing to let go of her and be with me?" Seung Hyun asks.

Ji Yong couldn't answer him. He loves Dara. He really does. But he loves Seung Hyun too. He doesn't know what to do but he had something in his mind.

"Will you? Can you leave Mino and Dara for me? Can you leave this place and live with me in Japan?" Ji Yong asks. Seung Hyun placed his hands on Ji Yong's shoulder. "Ji Yong..." he paused. "I... I can't do that to them. They don't deserve this. We should let go of each other before it gets harder." Seung Hyun said. Ji Yong shook his head and hugs Seung Hyun. "How can you ask me that? It hurts"

Seung Hyun knows that it hurts but the fact that Ji Yong can't let go of Dara and he to Mino means they've both already chosen. Seung Hyun wraps his arms on Ji Yong and holds him close. "Let's end it now, Ji Yong. I must let you go while I still can. Our time is up. This is the end for us."

Ji Yong cries silently as he holds on to Seung Hyun. Then he leans back to look at him. Seung Hyun wipes his tears with a sad expression in his face. "Are we going to be okay?" Ji Yong asks.

"We will. Loving you is one of the best things that ever happened to me. I will treasure every memory I had with you, the happy ones, the heartbreak, and even now." Seung Hyun kisses Ji Yong's forehead. "Be happy with Dara. I want you to have a happy life with her for this break up will be worth it. I'll be happy too, I promise" Seung Hyun smiles at him.

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