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"Mino, where should I put this?" Seung Hyun asks while carrying a huge box. Mino looks at him. "Ohh, put it in the bedroom. That's my sweaters and hoodies."

"Shall we order food?" Honey asks as she unpacks the kitchen stuff Mino bought.

"Yes, Noona. I would like some sweet and sour pork." Mino said loudly while deciding where to put the shelves he assembled. Jinu enters the house carrying Mino's two duffle bags. Mino glances at him. "Hyung, just place it on the bedroom, please."

Jinu went to the bedroom and saw Seung Hyun unpacking the box of sweaters at hoodies. Seung Hyun looks at him and smiles. "Thank you for helping us, Jinu."

"No problem. I know that Mino can't clean up this place alone." Jinu smiles timidly while he places the bags on the bed.

"I know. He tends to be messy sometimes. Even in my home when he sleeps over." Seung Hyunshook his head. Jinu stares at Seung Hyun at that moment. He can clearly see that Mino and Seung Hyun are doing great. Jinu saw a box with random stuff in it so he took it and took the items out to sort it out. Jinu immediately saw a picture frame of Mino and Seung Hyun standing together. It was a photo of them in the art gallery. Then there are also polaroid photos of them together but Jinu is staring more at one photo where Mino is the one holding the camera, while Seung Hyun is beside him while holding his waist and resting his chin on Mino's shoulder. Mino is smiling brightly while Seung Hyun is pouting while his eyes are close.


Jinu looks up at Seung Hyun. He put down the picture and take the alarm clock and places it on the bedside table.

"Are you okay?" Seung Hyun asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Jinu said before picking up the picture frame. "Do you live near here?" Jinu asks.

"A few bus stations away." Seung Hyun smiles.

"Did you pick this for him because it's near your place?"

Seung Hyun glances at Jinu. "Mino picks this himself. I gave him options and he chooses this one because of the natural lightning and he likes it. I didn't pick this for him."

"Sorry," Jinu mutters. "It's just I feel like Mino is rushing into things. Like getting this place and living alone. He can't even cook a proper meal for himself."

"He will learn. This is why he wants to be independent. He doesn't want to rely on you or me. And if he needs help, we can help him, right?" Seung Hyun asks Jinu. Jinu just nodded. Mino enters the bedroom and stares at them. "You two okay?" he asks.

"Yes, we're fine. Should I hang your hoodies or fold it?" Seung Hyun asks.

"Just leave it there, hyung. I'll organize it later." Mino said before looking at Jinu "Hyung, can you help me carrying my paint stuff downstairs?"

Jinu walks towards him "Sure, let's go."

Mino smiles and they left the room. Suddenly, someone enters Mino's home.

"Hello everyone." Dara said.'

"Ohh. Dara! You're here." Honey said from the kitchen. Dara is carrying rolls of toilet paper and a coffee maker. Mino approaches her.

"Hello, Noona." He greets her.

"Hi, Mino. This is for you." She gave the gifts to Mino. Jinu helped him by taking the toilet papers. Dara greets Jinu. "Hi. Jinu, right?"

Jinu nods and smiles. Seung Hyun gets out of the bedroom. "You came."

Dara giggles. "Yeah. I thought you needed more help. GD would like to come but his mother asks him to accompany her for the day." She said before looking back at Mino "So, what can I do?"

The Realest ThingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora