Chapter thirty-eight

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Chapter 38: (Olivia's POV)

I take it that he doesn't want to go to school tomorrow, or the rest of the week for that matter and I don't blame him. Unfortunately, that does not mean that I get to stay home with him. I'll be there if he needs me, whenever he needs me, but I can't always be there. 

We don't have too long of the month left since, during football season, which is coming up in two weeks, our school likes to give all students that don't participate in any sports two weeks off since half the school does participate, no learning would happen, therefore we get two weeks off. 

My parents were supposed to be back by then and I was supposed to go to Australia to visit my cousins who live there but if they're not there, or even if they are there honestly, I'm not leaving and going anywhere with them. 

They can't just show up and expect everything to go their way without considering my time and the people that are important to me over here.

"You're not going to school tomorrow are you?" I whispered while lazily drawing patterns and shapes on his chest. 

"No, I don't think so. And neither are you." he drew circles on my waist from under the hoodie. I tensed up when he first did but I didn't mind, surprisingly. 

"I have to," I mumbled. 

"No, you don't. We have no studying going on for these last two weeks because everyone is helping prepare for all the games in all sports. Stay with me. Please?" he pleaded.

I contemplated for a moment before sighing in defeat. "I'll ask Em if she can drop by any homework and notes." I sighed. This boy screams trouble, yet I stay. All for him. Why? No fucking clue.

He's the kind of boy you would give your everything to. The one where you rip your heart out and ask for nothing in return. You give them everything, and you keep giving them everything, and one day you wake up and suddenly they're gone. And it's not just them, it's like a piece of you, a goddamn piece of you, is gone too. There's no way to stop a heartbreak from a boy like him. He could fucking ruin me if he had the chance.

"I should have kissed you longer," he whispered under his breath.

"You shouldn't have kissed me at all," I whispered back, looking up at him while my finger traced his jawline. It cut. Focus Liv! 

"I should be kissing you every chance I get," he mumbled while running his hand through my hair. 

"You should be sleeping." I continued to draw circles as his hand trailed lower and slid under the hoodie, back to drawing patterns on my waist.

"I can't sleep, Liv. Wheels are turning in my head and I can't stop them," he mumbled while I straightened up and lied straight on my back. "I can't sleep." he sighed while resting his head on my stomach. 

"I know. I know. But that's ok. You'll doze off and you won't even know it." I spoke softly while running my hand through his hair.

I'm gonna fall in love with this boy, and it's gonna ruin me.

We sat in silence for quite a while, me just staring ahead and him just staring up at the ceiling. He took a deep breath in a lied down beside me again, letting his eyes droop closed but not before he grabbed my hand and kissed it, making my stomach flutter and do flips.

I didn't know what to call it, what was happening between us, but I liked it. It felt silly and fragile and good. 

"I can't even look at you without wanting to kiss you," he mumbled against my hand. It's his eyes. It has to be. They're fucking dangerous. They made me fall. 

His eyes along with everything else about him. 

Shut up Liv! 

He dozed off clutching my hand tightly, leaving me with a goofy grin on my face as I too let my eyes flutter closed while I drifted off.

x-X-x The next morning

I woke up when the sun began shining so brightly that I could practically see it with my eyes closed. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and looked straight at Austin who lied in front of me, the sun shining on his back. His hair looking golden and his body looking tanned. Huh, that's weird. I don't remember him taking his hoodie off. Maybe he felt too hot at night. 

I unhooked my hand from his and tiptoed out of his bed and into the bathroom. I grabbed a hair tie and threw my hair up in a high ponytail before searching through the cabinets for an extra toothbrush. 

I found one pretty quickly and brushed my teeth before washing my face. I dried my face with a towel and then let out a tired sigh. I tightened my ponytail before slowly opening the door and heading back out to his room. 

I leaned against his closet and watched him for a moment. Not creepy, I know. He was sleeping peacefully. He inhaled and exhaled at a steady pace. He seemed at peace unlike what he was feeling. He didn't deserve this, any of it. How could Ms. King do that to her son? Why would she take Amber to new York anyway? Doesn't she want to keep custody? 

I took a deep breath in before walking over to his nightstand to grab the plate that we left there last night. Just as I was about to grab the plate, I felt him grab my wrist and pull me down on top of him, wrapping his arms around my waist, locking me in that position.

"You weren't sleeping were you?" I narrowed my eyes down at him while he smiled up at me, grinning ear to ear. 

I don't think he remembers. It hasn't hit him yet. 

"Nope." his arms tightened around my waist. 

"So why pretend?" I raised my eyebrows at him while lifting my hand and brushing his hair out of his eyes. 

"So I could get you here, in this position," he smirked before smiling innocently. 

"And why in this position?" I furrowed my eyebrows, feigning confusion.

"So that I could do this," he leaned forward and pressed his lips to my cheek. "And this." on my other cheek. "And this," he whispered before pressing his lips to mine. I pulled away after a short moment and held his face in my hands. 

"Wake up." I shook his head slightly. "Get out of bed." I tapped his chest twice before pulling myself off of him. He sighed and got out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush his teeth and do all that jazz, while I sat on the edge of the bed and waited for him. 

The door opened and he came out with a towel in his hands, a freshly washed face and the same ruffled hair he went in with. 

"I should probably wake Amber up huh?" he asked while drying his face. The small smile that formed on my face when he walked back out fell. 

"Austin," I whispered cautiously, not wanting him to fall too far back into the spiral I had just begun pulling him out of.

"Right," he whispered under his breath.

"She's gone."






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