Alex Danvers x Werewolf Reader

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Request from my Tumblr-

Hey, could you do Alex x fem!Reader where the reader is a werewolf that comes to national city and works for the DEO and Alex falls in love with her. Maybe the reader gets hurt in a mission and Alex almost killed some and at the end Alex tells her that she is in love. And lots of Fluff please.

(Y/N)- Your Name

(L/N)- Last Name

(E/C)- Eye Color

Alex had knew from the moment that you walked through the doors into the DEO that she was a goner. Your gorgeous (E/C) eyes, the way you carried yourself with confidence, and the small smirk that she spotted on your lips as you caught her staring had done her in. She couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful new agent. She wasn't quite ready for a relationship yet though. After all everything with Maggie had just ended a month ago and she was still feeling the pain in her heart from that. You had a huge secret you were hiding though. You were a werewolf. You hadn't always been one but a wrong turn one dark night years ago had led to you being turned into one. You had never told anyone about that night and you had always told yourself you never would. Then Alex Danvers had come into your life. She was just so amazing and you could feel yourself falling for her more every moment you spent with her. Her laugh was the most beautiful sound to you and her smile could light up the room. She had your heart and she didn't even know it. You trusted her with your life and eventually you trusted her with your secret. Yet, you were still hesitant to pursue more than a friendship with er because you didn't even know if she liked women and your heart wouldn't be able to handle her rejection. If she wanted you the she would ask you out you thought. What you didn't know was that Alex didn't just like you she was in love with you but she was afraid of rejection and losing your friendship. So you both were just waiting for one or the other to make a move not realizing that you both loved each other. It was just another day at the DEO when you and your team were set to go on a mission. It was going to be an easy mission, or at least a lot easier than others you had done. 

"Don't get too cocky now Agent (L/N). Wouldn't want someone to get a hit on that pretty face of yours now would we?" Alex teased you. You laughed and put your tactical gear on.

"Don't worry Agent Danvers I'll make sure to protect my face so you have something nice to look at around here." You teased back to her. You both had been doing that a lot more often, teasing each other. She shook her head as she chuckled.

"Alright dork get a move on your team is waiting for you. Remember be safe and if you get hurt I'm kicking your ass." Alex told you. You gave her a quick hug before jogging away. Right before you turned the corner you glanced back at her and winked.

"Don't worry Alex. I'm always safe. I mean I got to make sure I come back in one piece so I can kick your ass in training." you said before continuing to jog towards your teammates.

"Only in your dreams (Y?N)!" You heard Alex shout at you with humor in her voice. You just smiled. God could that woman get any more perfect you thought. Unknown to you Alex was thinking the exact same thing. You met up with your team and quickly discussed the plan before heading out. It should be a quick and easy mission. If you had only known then all the things that were headed your way. The mission fell apart at the very beginning. The information you and your team had was wrong and you had walked into an ambush. 

"FALL BACK!" You screamed at your teammates as you covered them. 

"Whats going on down there Agent (L/N)?" You heard J'onn ask through your earpiece. 

"It was an ambush Director J'onzz! Who ever we got the information from set us up!" you yelled into the earpiece  trying to keep an eye on all your teammates. You needed to make sure you got everyone out of there as safely as possible. You continued to cover them as the all began to fall back. You could barely even hear yourself think at that point. You could J'onn yelling at you through the earpiece but you ignored it for now. You could only focus on so much at once. All of your teammates eventually had made it out and you began to run behind them occasionally shooting over your shoulder at the aliens and humans trying to kill you. You had almost made it out safely when you felt an intense pain in your shoulder and abdomen. You screamed in pain and the distraction of the pain caused you to trip and fall. You got back up as quickly as possible and your teammates hearing your scream came back to help you. Once back in your vehicles they immediately rushed you to the DEO. You were losing a lot of blood. You began to fade out of  consciousness. Alex had been talking to Kara when you were quickly rolled into the DEO and on your way to surgery. Her eyes widened in panic and fear as she realized it was you and saw how pale you were. She had no idea what had happened on your mission, all she knew in that was that you had been hurt. Her mind began to overthink causing her to panic. She hasn't been able to tell you she loves you yet. She hadn't been able to ask you out, ask you to be her girlfriend, or anything. She was going to lose you and she hadn't even really had the chance to have you. She hadn't even realized she was crying till Kara had wrapped her in a hug and began to whisper in her ear.

"Hey it's going to be ok Alex. You know (Y/N), she's too stubborn to die. She will be ok and she is going to make a full recovery." Kara had whispered over and over again to Alex. Alex couldn't even manage to say anything and just held onto Kara tighter. They both eventually began to make their way towards the DEO medical wing. Alex waited for hours hoping to hear any kind of good news. She refused to do anything but sit there and wait. Eventually the doctor came out and told her that the bullets had missed all you major organs and that you would make a full recovery. 

"Can I go in and see her?" Alex asked the doctor. She nodded her head.

"Of course she is sleeping right now but she should wake up within the next couple of hours." The doctor told her. Alex rushed into the room and sat down beside your bed. She grabbed you hand in both of hers and just held it. She let tears of relief fall down her face as she saw with her own eyes that you really were ok. She pressed her lips to your hand and let out a relieved and shaky sigh. You were going to be ok. She still had time with you but she was done wasting that time. She was going to ask you out on a date and hopefully if you said you she would eventually ask you to be her girlfriend. You began to come around 2 hours later. You tried to open your eyes but the bright lights stung. You let out a soft groan. 

"(Y/N)! You're awake!" You heard Alex shout excitedly from beside you. You were about to say something sarcastic back to her when the feeling of her lips on yours surprised you. You were frozen for a second before you began to excitedly kiss her back. You couldn't believe she was kissing you. Did you die and go to heaven you wondered. Alex pulled away slowly before resting her forehead on yours.

"I was so worried when I saw them wheeling you in. I thought I had lost you and all I could think was that I never got to tell you how much you mean to me. I never got to tell you I love you and I don't want to wait anymore. I refuse to let another day go by without you knowing how you are the most beautiful, stubborn, confident, adorable, dorky woman I have ever met and you captured my heart from the moment our eyes met." Your eyes began to tear up at Alex's confession and you just pulled her into another kiss, this one a little more heated than the last. You both pulled away at the same time with adorable smiles on both of your faces.

"Oh just in case it wasn't clear Agent Danvers, I love you too." You told her and you watched as the biggest smile you've ever seen appeared on her face. The situation wasn't the most ideal but at least now you could have your chance to call Alex yours and to show her for the rest of both of your lives how much she meant to you.

A/N- Sorry for not updating as often college has begun to kick my ass and one of my pups is having some medical issues but I haven't abandoned this book or writing my updates may just be a little spaced out for a minute.

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