Chapter Six

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"I want to hide the truth, I want to shelter you. But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide."

"I got nothing," Dean says defeatedtly, pouring the liquor into his glass as he collapses onto his seat. "Every time our blade touched her she'd heal, don't even think the girl could help it."

"So you couldn't crack her?" Sam asks his brother, pouring himself a drink as he ran  a hand through his long hair. "Yeah Sam, we both managed to inflict enough pain on the immortal kid in there that she spilled all of her secrets to us." Dean says sarcastically, it wasn't even the afternoon yet, and both brothers were happy to down their drinks.

    "Didn't Cas tell us that only an archangel could harm another archangel with the blade?" Sam asks, and Dean shrugs his shoulders in response.

The boys own nephilim then returned from his room, his hair growing at a quick rate as it lay in front of his gentle eyes.

"Sam..." he smiles,"Dean," he nods as he sits down beside them. The boy was curious as to what was going on, they never really got guests in the short time he'd been with them. And from what he saw, the girl they'd taken home with them wasn't very friendly. This saddened the boy, for the way she looked at him was the way Sam looked whenever Lucifer was mentioned.

"Where's Castiel?" He asked, looking around the room but not seeing him. Sam answered as Dean attempted to remove the last drops of scotch from the bottle in front of them. Enjoying as the last droplets slid into his mouth. Dean needed to be more drunk if he was going to deal with another superpowered kid.

"To talk to heaven, he needed some advice on what to do since we not only have one half-archangel running around, we have two." Sam lies to the boy.

He knew that if he mentioned the man Jack accidentally killed then it could trigger him. Castiel had gone back to cover whatever he could, so it wouldn't be brought back to Jack, he needed to move on.

"You'd think we're running a damn daycare for nephilim here, they keep popping up Sam!" Dean shouts, standing up as he heads in the direction of the bunkers garage. He needed out to breathe, nothing happened the way it was meant to anymore, the rules of the universe had been rewritten.

"Dean!" Sam shouts to his older brother as he leaves, "what are you doing?"

"We've ran out of booze!" The older hunter launches back.

Sam then places his head in his hands before dragging himself up from the table. As he walks by Jack he places a solid hand on his shoulder, causing the boy to jump suddenly. Sams face then softened as the boy looked up to him from his seat. And as Sam looked into the Jacks eyes he could see the innocence they held, the will to do good.

He had faith in Jack, he really did.

"We're just heading into Lebanon Jack, we'll be back soon okay?" He announces before walking out. Jack sat and collected his thoughts, he hadn't stopped hearing the mumbled grunts which came from the room she was in since he'd left, they were quiet, so quiet that Sam and Dean wouldn't be able to hear them.

But he knew that she was in pain. And if Jack was going to be good he thought it best to help her. Maybe they could be friends.

Standing up and placing his seat back under the table Jack decided to go back, unknowing to the brothers that he had the archangel blade. The girl went silent as Jacks footsteps echoed around the empty bunker, as Mali held her breath she watched the figure take slow steps in through the door.

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