Chapter 10: "Oh, that's smack."

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"I'm genuinely happy you're here Vanity." Tommy said while pulling her closer to his side, Vanity playfully hit his stomach,
"I've missed you too bud...all of you." Vanity sighed softly, she missed being around the boys and all of their antics, even if Nikki was being an ass.

"Greyson hasn't partied before." Vanity told Tommy and he got a huge grin on his face,
"Well, were gonna have fun with him." Tommy told her while looking back at Greyson, and smirking at him, Greyson was to busy to notice as he kept staring at every girl that walked by.

"But not too much fun. He does go to college and he does play football." Vanity playfully warned him,
"Just don't get him super fucked up." Vanity said while tommy stopped and opened up the door for him,
"Wait." Vanity said, while turning around to face Greyson.

"Anything that happens in this room stays in this room. It does not go back home with us, do you understand me." Vanity sternly confided in her brother, while he nodded his head.

The room was cramped as expected, but there was just enough breathing room for everyone. A girl walked up to Tommy and grabbed his hand,
"Oh Tommy, do you have any more blow?" She was drunk and rubbing her body on him, "
Yeah, not for you though." He said while pushing her away.

"C'mon, I have some good dust. You'll love it." Tommy told Vanity, whose eyes lighted up like a Christmas tree. Vanity was always happy when Tommy wanted to share, unlike Vince on the other hand who were as stingy as they came.

"Vanity's good to see you." Mick looked up at her through his dark sunglasses, a small smile playing on his lips. She bent down and kissed his cheek,
"Always a pleasure Mick."

"Where's Vince?" Greyson asked while I sat down on the couch next to tommy as he got a few lines ready,
"Uh...probably getting his dick wet." Tommy responded,
"You wanna get your dick wet , Greyson?" Tommy asked laughing before snorting a line and then handing Vanity the same silver plate.

"He's not touching any girl in this room, they're disgusting." She retorted while looking around the room at all of them before snorting a long line. "Woo!" She shouted ecstatically while she rubbed her nose.

Shorty Nikki came into the room cool, calm, and collected. His eyes scowering the room, but his sight directly went to Vanity who was in the process of snorting cocaine with Tommy.

A spurt of jealousy went through him as they laughed with each other, Vanity having the biggest smile on her face as Tommy did his signature smoking through his nose and blowing a ring out of his mouth party trick.

Nikki saw her brother at a booze filled table pouring himself a drink,
"Hey man." Nikki said with a honeyed voice while slapping his hand on Greyson's shoulder. Startled, Greyson smiled,
"Oh hey dude! What's up? Thanks for letting us party with you guys." Greyson beamed with joy while taking a sip of his beer.

"Ah, don't mention it man. Glad you're having a good time. Your sister seems to be as well." Nikki spoke softly and they both looked in her direction,

"Did you really mean it when you called her a bitch?" Greyson pondered in the idea of one of his favorite rockstars feeling that way about his own family.

Nikki held his breath, wondering why he even said that but as usual he let his emotions get the best of him, "No. Vanity makes my blood boil sometimes." He replied, taking a swig our of a Jack Daniels bottle.

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