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I look around Olkarion as I walk out of Red with Keith by my side. He looks at me before grabbing my hand as Pidge runs ahead, already greeting the people of the planet.

"Welcome back Team Voltron." A voice says as somebody comes out from behind others

"Weren't they under Galra control?" I whisper

"We actually helped free them." Keith answers

I look around again and see how much it has grown since I had been here last for Lotor.

"It looks so much better," I say

"You've been here before?" Lance asks

"One of the pieces was being held here," I whisper before looking away

I feel the tears come to my eyes as I refuse to look anywhere but my feet.

"Hey, you're fine. He can't hurt you. Not again. Ryner can help up destroy that tracker." Keith whispers as he holds my hand a bit tighter

I hear voices as we continue to walk. Keith and the others are waving at everyone as Pidge is leading us alongside Allura as we walk towards the biggest building in their city.

"What is she doing here?"

"When did she go to them?"

"Why are they trusting her?"

"Why is she here?"

"Where is the rest of her crew?"

I yank my hand away from Keith as I put both of my hands over my ears, the tears quickly coming again. I see another pair of feet catch up with us as I feel a hand gently placed on my shoulder.

"You have her cloak?" Keith asks

"Yeah. Coran and I had a feeling something like this might happen." Shiro says

I feel something placed over me and Keith lifts the hood over my head, keeping his hands on my shoulders.

"You're okay." He whispers

I take deep breathes as we enter into the building when we stop and I slowly take the hood off.

"Okay, I only have one question," Ryner says

"Which we are more than inclined to answer," Shiro says

"What is she doing here? She stole from us not that long ago." Ryner starts

"First of all, she has a name." Keith buts in "Use it."

"Keith..." Shiro starts"She wasn't sure where she stood a few weeks ago. She finally came home to us just a few days ago."

I slowly look at her as she looks me over, taking my frame in before sighing as she holds out her hand.

"If they can find a reason to trust you, then we can too." She says

I meet her hand as I nod before bringing my hand back to my side.

"Ryner, I just want you to know how sorry I am for stealing from you guys. I was under the impression that Princess Allura couldn't be trusted. So the Galra told me about a way to destroy Voltron and protect my friends and family." I start

"They didn't tell you what the weapon did to the paladins did they?" She asks

"That is the one thing my commander failed to mention," I say

Keith reaches for my hand again as I let him hold it for a minute before he lets go and crosses his arms again.

"Ryner, we actually had a question about trackers for you." Pidge starts

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