Chapter One - Negativity

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Hey guiiiisssse, a photo of Ursula has been uploaded on the side for you! it let me work it so there you go! btw, she's my best friend :) 

hope you guys like the fanfiction!


"Just because we're going to their concert, Jade, doesn't mean we will actually meet them." I laughed.

"You don't know that for sure, missy!" Jade protested.

"We don't have VIP tickets, only general admission."

"Well..well, maybe they might notice us!"

"I highly doubt that, but we can always dream!" I suggested laughing.

Jade scolded me playfully. Jade was a massive directioner. The only thing that ever came out of her mouth was about One Direction. She's been in love with them since they were on X Factor. I had only found out about them at the beginning of the year, before they came to Australia. Her favourite was Harry but she loved all of them too. Her room was absolutely covered in them. My room has very few. I do love them, I think they're amazing and they're songs are amazing but I wasn't nearly as bad as Jade. My favourite was Niall. I will admit, it's my dream to meet them but we didn't get the tickets to meet them.

"Ursula, what would you do if they did notice us?" Jade wondered aloud. I giggled at the thought.

"I don't know, Jade. Probably wave or something." I smiled.


"Yeah. Why, what's wrong with waving?"

"Oh, nothing. Nothing." She chuckled.

"Jade Horkins!" I threw a pillow at her softly.

"Ursula Clarkson!" She mocked.

"Oh you get on my nerves!" I laughed, "Now, come on. We gotta get ready if we wanna impress One Direction." I mocked back as she giggled. She beamed up and ran to her clothes. She went into my bathroom and closed the door behind her. After 5 minutes, she returned to my room with a black wavy dress on with black sparkly flats. Jade was so pretty. She had long wavy brown hair with brown eyes to match. She was tall and skinny, such a good figure, but she didn't believe so, she always doubted herself.

"Oh Jade, that dress looks stunning on you!" I complimented as I grabbed my outfit and ran into my bathroom swiftly before she could argue. I got changed into a yellow strapless dress. I pulled out my hairtie and let my long brown hair flow down my back. I ran my fingers through my fringe and let it sit on the side. I opened my door and watched as Jades jaw dropped in astonishment.

"And you're the one saying I'm stunning? Look at you! You're absolutely gorgeous!" She complimented.

"Okay, okay! Hush. And let's get to that concert, yeah?" I laughed.

"Yes! Let's!" She beamed.

We hurried down the stairs where my mum stood waiting for us in the loungeroom.

"You girls look gorgeous!" She smiled.

"Okay, mum, let's go." I ignored her compliment as we walked out the door and into the car. Mum hopped in and and turned the car into life. We drove off down the road and and off we were, going to One Directions concert.


Okay, not my best fanfiction so far, I've done better but this is just one I had in my mind and felt like writing down straight away. I hope you like it. I will write more :) if you like it :P

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