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Before the Overseer began to enter worlds she was earnest at looking after each world.

Her shelves were stacked with numerous clean snow globes.

Her void quiet and devoid of any suspicious activity.

A woman wearing a white dress, with her bare feet swinging up in the air, lays on her bed with a kind sweet smile on her face.

Her golden eyes crease with kindness as she gazes down at the snow globe in her hand lovingly.

This was the all powerful and knowing Overseer.

The globe was reflecting an image of a beautiful red mermaid. Her long red hair cascades down her back, as the sunlight above shines down on her. She was brushing her hair using a sea shell.

Her singing voice was so beautiful to hear. It kept the smile on the Overseer's face.

The beautiful mermaid was the female lead of this world. She suffered tremendously from the bullying of her step sisters.

Her step mother was Queen of the Atlantic.

Her biological father, King. However he was much too busy to attend to her needs. She only ever got to see him once a year at the annual sea people gala.

Therefore the step mother and sisters who were left at the palace had free reign.

And she...

The forgotten princess was often forced to clean and serve them as their maid.

Her smooth skin had faint scars from when they'd stick her with needles if they were mad.

Or when they gave her a flogging when disobedient.

One day she had enough and ran away. However the seas were stormy, she was tossed and turned, not knowing what to do.

The only thing she could see was the large moon reflected in her red blazing eyes. And so she wished...

She wished so desperately, "oh please star above in the sky, please grant me freedom so that I may fly. And love and live, and smile like those birds in the air, like the dove that is over there."

The Overseer took pity and when Alissa woke up, she found she had grown human legs.

She was lost and confused, only to be found by her knight in shinning armor.

The CEO of Geoff Enterprises, Francis.

Together they live happily, however this little mermaid was betrayed by her new human friend Caitlyn.

However who was the Overseer?

Someone who knew all.

She could see what truly laid in Caitlyn's heart.

To Alissa, Caitlyn is a traitor who tried to seduce her fiancé.

However the Overseer knew, this was the fault of Francis.

Before the appearance of Alissa, Francis had ambiguous relations with Caitlyn.

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