1] 突然の恐怖

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突然の恐怖 - Sudden Fear

All The Angels Say
You Are All To Blame

Chapter 1 (Continuing): 
The Grace Field House 62149

      We suddenly heard a voice, "Is someone there? Did you hear voices just now?"
We quickly hid under the truck, tears poured from my eyes as I held my hand over my mouth.

     "Probably your imagination," the other relied. "If it was a stray cat, I would have caught it to eat," one say. "Ugh, you eat cats?" the other asked with disgust.

We peeked out from under the truck, there were two odd looking creatures. They took Conny's body, "It looks so delicious," it said. I closed my eyes shut.
"Human flesh is the bed," it said.

{ What's going on? Did they kill Conny?! Why Conny...? }

"A demon..." I whispered silently.
A sudden flashback played in my mind.

[ "You can never go to the gate or beyond the fence. Because it's dangerous..." Mom told us. ]

      I blocked out their voices, I didn't want to hear them talk about how they'd eat my little sister.
The human flesh produced by this farm... is all high quality meat for the rich.

We were all raised... to be eaten?
I then continued to listen as I held my sobs back, as hard as it was.
"How's the Gupna Ceremony going?"
"Mostly done."
"Another 6 year old... Lately we're only shipping out normal ones. But we're soon going to be able to harvest some extra-high-grade ones. Prepare for the plucking of these four that get full marks."
"Yes." the sudden new voice made my body shake. Mom?
"Understood. The feed is in storage. I'm looking forward to next time. Certainly. You can count on me," she said.

"Head out."
"Hold on- I smell something."
By then, we had already run out.

We kept running, Emma suddenly tripped.
"Emma!" Norman and I exclaimed.

She panted,
"Demons are imaginary creatures ... And everyone found foster homes ... Mom is the usual gentle Mom, right? The girl in the back of the truck... wasn't Conny, was it?"
She asked, choking on her words as tears threatened to spill.

Norman's expression softened as he touched her shoulders, "It was Conny," he said softly as he, too, looked as if he would cry.

{ No... it wasn't Conny. It couldn't be Conny. I wouldn't cry. It wasn't Conny. Conny isn't dead. }

Emma let out a scream as tears poured from her eyes. I fell to my knees next to her and cried into her shoulder, her crying into mine.

Time Skip

     Once we got back, Ray was waiting for us.
"Welcome back. How did it go?" he asked. Emma was looking down as I bit my lip, looking away from Ray.
"We didn't make it," Norman lied.

I wanted to run into Ray's arms just like that, or maybe even Norman's. And tell him everything that happened. Conny was dead. Mom...
But I couldn't, Norman made it clear he didn't want to tell Ray.
One fact can overturn our perception of reality. This place is a farm. And we're the food.

I walked past him with my head low as we head back to our room.

Norman held Emma as he helped her relax. I laid in my bed, knowing I couldn't act like a baby. Norman and Emma were best best friends. Sure, I was also friends with them since the beginning, but I've always been a kind of third-wheel. It hurt. Of course it did. When I was here with them, they stuck with each other.

Instead of just crying over it and begging for Norman to treat me like he does Emma, I decided to act like I didn't need it.
Like I wasn't breaking down anymore.
Like I didn't care about getting a new family.
Like I didn't wonder why my parents had left me.

I buried myself under the covers, pretending to be asleep as I heard Norman talk to Emma.
"Let's escape, Emma. We have to get out of here. We don't know what it's like outside. But in order to survive, we have to escape. Don't worry, we'll be able to pull it off. The three of us, including Ray, should be able to..."

{Not including me. They'd leave me here to die?}

"Is it... Impossible? If we leave them here, they'll get killed for sure. I can't leave them here. I don't want any more of my family to die!" Emma said as she cried.
"It's not impossible. Don't worry. We'll all escape from here together," he said.

{Now I'm finally apart of it, right? Would they even tell me?}

I promised a longer chapter but I gave a shorter -_-
Welp, the 2nd chapter should be out later!

Word Count- 796

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