174: A New World, Part 1

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No Name
Book 20

Chapter 174
A New World, Part 1.



Why wasn't I warned relationships would cause your insecurities to increase-

By like 1000000000000000000
(No I am not crying, I'm not a weakling.)

(Well, I can't really lie, so.
Yes, I am crying, but I'm not a weakling!!)




Reader's POV

I sobbed into Emma's shoulder, shaking in frustration.

I still had my hand on the cloth at Peter's neck.
Zack, Gillian, Nigel, and Oliver soon rushed over to us.

"Emma, I've got her, don't worry."
Norman said softly, taking me into his arms.

Emma nodded, Ray's expression changed quickly but he aided Peter.

Norman ran a hand through my hair soothingly as I was curled up close to him.

He pressed his hand to the back of my neck, it was cold.
A shiver ran down my back but it made my thoughts slow down.

"Breathe with me. 1..."
He started, I took a deep breath.

I knew what he was doing.
He was doing what he did when I had a break down at the house...

"Just concentrate on your breathing... stay in the present,"
He told me with a smile.

My breathing had gone back to normal, yet tears had still continued to roll down my face.

He smiled softly.
"You're doing good, focus on your breathing. I'm proud of you,"
He said with a smile

"Just clear your thoughts... if talking about it helps, then talk to me,"
He said softly.

I shook my head. I couldn't tell him about this....
He simply nodded.

I had my head rested on his chest, he had taken me a bit farther away from the commotion, I hadn't even noticed until now.

"I love you, you know that?"
He said softly.

"Y-Yeah.... I love you too,"
I murmured.

My heart was racing as well as my thoughts.
Although, my breathing had gone back to normal.

Norman had continued to run his hand through my hair, soothing me.

I stayed close to Norman, not saying anything as I settled down.

This is what he did to calm my  breakdowns.
It always worked, of course, he was able to get my head onto the right stayed of mind.
Because of Norman, I was able to stay stable at Grace Field.
I'm so grateful... for him.

I took a deep breath, and we just stayed together in silence as we used to do.

Nigel came over, a worried look on his face.
"Y/n...  are you okay?"
He asked softly.

"I'm better..."
I muttered.

"Do you need anything?"
Nigel then asked.

"She's cold,"
Norman told him. It was obvious I was, I was still shaking even though I was more calm now.
And at each chance I got, I snuggled closer to Norman.

Nigel nodded and took off his hat. He placed it on my hat, which created a good warmth for my face.

"Thank you, Nigel,"
I said with a smile.

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