146 ] The Imperial Battle

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Book 17

Chapter 146
The Imperial Battle








Reader's POV

"Y/n, I have something for you,"
Oliver suddenly said.

"Huh? What is it?"
I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"So... while I was getting the horses. This cutie came up to me. Obviously, I didn't understand what it wanted... but I felt I needed to show him to you,"
Oliver said.

"What is it?"
I asked, raising a brow.

He opened the bag on the horse and my eyes widened.

"N-no way..."
I muttered.

I took the cat out, looking at him wide eyes.

Oliver seemed to start to get worried by my silence so he turned to me slightly.

"I know this cat...! Leslie,"
I said with a bright smile.

The cat meowed happily and nudged my cheek.

"I raised him when I was young! He disappeared one day...
Gosh... you've traveled a long way, Les..."
I said softly, holding him close.

I knew by the spot in his eye.
Leslie had dark brown eyes, but in his right, a splosh of white.
And his fur was the exact same!

Oliver smiled softly.
"I'm glad I could reunite him with you..."
He said softly.

"Thank you, Ollie,"
I said softly as Leslie snuggled close to me.

I could've broken into tears at that moment.
But I didn't...

I was so happy.
My smile didn't leave my face.





Word Count- 240

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