{80} You Have No Right}

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Book 10} Rematch
Chapter 80
You Have No Right


Ha... the title is exactly what the government says to the gays like me...
Sorry, sorry. 




Reader's POV

"So we meet again. Did you get my message?"
Leuvis asked.

""My name is Leuvis. Come and hunt for me too,""
I said, standing my ground with Emma. 

"Yes. My name is Leuvis. Your names are Y/n and Emma, correct?
Grace Field Plant 3.
Highest Grade 62149,
I believe its name was Y/n,"
he said. I tensed, but Emma kept her grip on my hand and I felt better.

"And the other, 63149.
he continued.

"You see, the highest grade products from Grace Field... 
are far more famous than you can imagine. 
And in the last few years, Plant 3 has gained an exceptional reputation among the customers. 
It's known for having a competent breeder raising delicious brains."
he started.

"But, ah, I see. 
You two are 62149 and 63149, eh?"
he said.

"I also have a message from Lucas. 'Was my arm delicious?'" 
Emma said, still glaring at him.

"So it was him. I recognized that explosion. 
The trick was exactly what those kids pulled that day."
he said, as if remembering something. 

"I'm surprised. I never imagined he was alive. 
and to think that he organized a rebellion like this in secret!
And with the added bonus of you two,"
he sounded cheerful.

"I am ecstatic! So very ecstatic right now!! Jubilant!!"
he cheered.

I sighed.
"Listen Archduke. Now is the time to play a game. Just like that day,"
I said.

A game? Ah, that. Very well."
he laughed.

{ Good. It's going as planned. This will force Leuvis to stay put. Until everyone arrives. }

Then, more of the signals.
Emma and I both turned our heads, but nothing. 


Word Count: 310

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