Chapter Ten

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"I can't believe you did this," I said once we were outside of Wickenton and on the highway leading to Briarville. "What did your mother say?"

"Go for it?"


"Well, she went there to drop off your mail, so she knows Aiden and Aubrey-Lynn," he said. "I guess they've met before, so she was okay with me going."

"Huh." I looked out the side window and watched the trees pass. "So, even Mrs. Renaldi was in on it?"

"Well, we couldn't bring Onyx with us or that would make Devland suspicious." Calin laughed. "Don't worry. As long as we make it back before the dance, Devland will never know we left."

"You don't honestly believe that after he asked me about leaving town when I went to the clearing, do you?" I scoffed and looked at Calin. "I swear that man has me hijacked."

"I definitely wouldn't put it past him," Calin muttered, clenching his jaw. His hand tightened on the wheel, then loosened. He looked at me and smiled as though nothing had bugged him a moment before. "How about a snack? I packed some drinks and sandwiches. I know you spent most of the afternoon running, so you should eat something before we get there. Just not too much. Apparently, Aubrey-Lynn is looking forward to feeding you."

"Sure." I shrugged, envying the way he was able to switch modes from one moment to the next, which was something he still hadn't been able to teach me. The closest I'd gotten to being able to remain calm was when he did it for me.

Except for when we'd kissed.

Then, I'd been anything but calm.

I looked back out the window, once again uncomfortable with breaking the silence.

"Are you gong to get the cooler?" Calin asked, sounding amused. "I can't feed you while I am driving."

"I know!" I turned my head to look at him. "Are you hungry?"

"A little." Calin nodded and a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"So, basically you want me to get the food so that I can feel you."

"Uh, yeah."

I rolled my eyes and leaned into the backseat without taking my seatbelt off, but the cooler was too far away. Not even my fingertips could reach. With a sigh, I settled back into my seat and shook my head.

"You'll have to pull over. It's too far for me, and I refuse to take off my seatbelt while we're driving."

"Why don't we pull over up there and have a little rest then?" Calin asked, pointing to a sign for a picnic area, and I nodded.

A turn-off appeared less than five minutes later and Calin pulled in. I got out of the car and stretched my legs as he grabbed the cooler from the backseat. We met at the picnic table a few yards away and sat. I looked around the area, which was surrounded by trees and no pathways. Literally, we were in a forest, it seemed. It was calming.

"So, are you excited?" Calin asked as we ate.

"Hmm." I nodded, then swallowed my bite of the ham and cheese sandwich. "I haven't seen Nancy since... Pretty much since the circle we held for my mother that Devland crashed. Or the day after, but whatever. I miss her. Aiden and Aubrey-Lynn are like second parents, so I can't wait to see them."

"I'm excited to see your old life," he said and took another bite of his sandwich. "You always seem subdued in Wickenton. While you were talking to Nancy, you didn't appear to have to hide anything."

"You can't with that girl." I laughed. "You'll see."

"Should I be scared?"

"Nah, she's like an infection and grows on you."

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