Chapter Thirty-Four

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"Hi, Islene." I blew out a breath. "I'm sorry to bug you, but I..." I inhaled deeply, realizing that I didn't know what to say. "What do you know about objects being enchanted?"

"Like the charms Calin brought home?"

"No." I shook my head, deciding not to ask about what I'd dreamt and stick to what I knew I'd seen. "I have a Book of Shadows from Devland. I don't usually write in it because I suspect that he's done something to charm it so he knows what I enter, but I... had a bad dream and grabbed the first thing I could see to write it down before I forget."

"What did you write in there?"

"Just what happened in the dream," I said. "Like I said, I don't usually write in it because I noticed before that the letters glow. Given what Devland did with the pendant and stuff, I thought it was smart to avoid it. But this time the amulet from my mom was glowing when I wrote."

"I think you're right, Nora," she said. "I'm pretty sure that he has a duplicate somewhere. Whenever you write in yours, it will show up in his so that he can keep tabs on what you enter."

"So, should I throw it away?"

"No. Use another book for what you want to record, though I do suggest writing a few entries every so often so that he doesn't know you realize it has been spelled," she said.


I hung up the phone before Calin came back on and sat at my desk, trying to figure out what motive Devland would have for such a cruel act towards his own daughter. Of course, he'd given me the book while I hadn't had my memory—after the accident and before he'd realized I was leaving Wickenton—so he probably assumed I had no reason to question it.

Picking up my pen again, I started a new entry in the book, noting that I was wrong to go behind Devland's back. I channeled my inner angst and wrote that Devland didn't understand me and that I liked life in Wickenton. I just didn't want to lose my home with my mom and didn't know what to do. Hoping it wasn't overkill, I concluded it by noting that I respected Devland and the Council, and that I hoped that we could learn to get along. I wanted Devland to be the father I'd imagined growing up.

If I could use Devland's trickery against him, he'd believe I was compliant as I discovered his true motives.

With a smile, I swallowed the distaste thinking of Devland produced and closed the book just as my phone dinged. I picked up my phone and walked back to my bed, my smile growing as I read Calin's text.

CALIN: Using me for my mom. How rude.

ME: Yep. Sry, u have been replaced.

CALIN: Ouch! *digging arrow out of heart*

I laughed and leaned back against the pillows, not caring that my hair was unbrushed and wet. Onyx climbed onto the bed and laid at my side. I set the phone on the pillow beside me and pulled the blankets up, turning onto my side so that I could see the display without having to hold my phone.


The next morning, I woke before my alarm sounded, realizing that I had fallen asleep in the middle of texting with Calin without saying goodnight. I sent him a quick message to apologize and then put the phone on the charger before heading into the shower to get ready for the day.

Within a half hour, I was downstairs, surprised to find Calin already talking with Mrs. Renaldi in the kitchen as she cooked. As soon as I entered, Calin came over to me and kissed my cheek, which I swear made Mrs. Renaldi swoon. We laughed as we sat at the table and waited for breakfast to be prepared. Calin kept his hand on my leg and, despite the spiral into bad the night before had taken, I felt good. Still, coffee was on my radar after a less than stellar sleep where I continued to wake after dreaming of twisted metal and a dog whining.

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