Chapter Fifty-One

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By the time we reached the parking lot, Calin was already there.

Thankfully, he didn't ask any questions, though I could tell he was curious as to why Maible looked like a dirty, wet rat with ash-covered clothes and scraggly hair. I knew I couldn't look any better and any make-up I'd used to hide how tired I was that morning had to be halfway down my face. While the hallway inside wasn't packed, I'd still tried to throw enough magic up so that anyone looking at us would think they simply had blurry vision.

I let go of the effort as soon as we reached Calin's car and we all piled inside.

We drove in silence to his house.

Once we arrived, Islene called the school to excuse us from class, then she busied herself with taking care of Maible while I jumped into a hot shower to wash the grime away. When I was changed and my hair was tied in a high bun, I went in search of Calin, finding him in the living room channel surfing. I stood in the doorway of the room and leaned against the frame, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Really? You bring home a couple of upset girls and you feel so useless, you resort to television?"

I smiled as he jumped in surprise, then crossed the room to sit beside him on the couch. Resting my head on his shoulder, I sighed.

"Are you okay?"

"Aren't you tired of asking me that?" I smirked but sighed.

"Okay, then is Maible okay?"

"I... don't know." I shook my head and sat straight, lifting my head so that I could turn and face Calin. "She triggered her powers today and it... was pretty epic. I feel bad, but I'm happy she managed not to hurt anyone. Including herself. It was intense."

"I'm happy you were able to help her."

I nodded, lowering my voice. "For now."

"What're you thinking of?" Calin brought his hand to my chin and lifted my face to meet his searching gaze.

"I don't know." I shrugged but didn't pull away.

"I'm a good sounding board."

I smiled. "I'm just so tired, I don't want to think about any of it. Honestly, I would really love to take Onyx and go to the clearing to relax. Just forget for a while." I held Calin's gaze for a moment, then asked, "Can we do that? Go to the clearing while Maible rests? I want to focus on something happy for a few hours because I'm pretty sure it's going to be the last chance we have for a while."

Calin hesitate but nodded. "Of course. We can do whatever you want, Nora."

"Then let's grab some food and make it a date."

Calin smiled. "Now, that's a good idea."

"You think?"

"Yes, though I have a way of making it better."


Calin nodded, a twinkle lighting his eyes. "You'll see." He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, then jumped up. Without pausing, he started to leave the living room, calling over his shoulder, "I'm going to make sure my plans are okay with mom. Why don't you get that stuff for Aiden ready before we leave so my mom can send it to him? While you get dressed in warmer clothes, I'll take care of the rest."

I laughed. "What are you planning, Calin? I'm not big on surprises."

"You'll be okay with this!" he called, though he was no longer in sight.

I glanced down to the floor and sighed. Yes, I wanted to get away and enjoy the quiet in the clearing, but I was too tired to endure anything more. Still, I craved the energy I received from the nature there. Going there also provided the solitude I'd wanted to explain everything to Calin.

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