Chapter Thirty-One

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On Saturday, I texted Maible that she would have to come to the Manor if she wanted to talk, then turned my phone off and went to my studio to paint. After the flop of a date with Calin, I was too embarrassed to talk to him, especially when he didn't answer the phone afterwards. I should have left a message to say I wanted to speak with Islene and not him. Then he wouldn't think that I wanted to talk to him.

Uninspired, I spent the day reading and completing homework, listening to music in the studio as I laid sprawled on my stomach on the floor.

In the evening, I took Onyx for a walk and then went to bed early, waking up on Sunday feeling antsy and more than a little confused. After looking outside and seeing that it was nice for a change, I said Onyx's favorite word and then took us both for a car ride to the clearing. I didn't bother turning my phone on, once again not enthusiastic enough to placate Maible about her abilities or speak with Calin. One was draining and the other... too humiliating.

The chill that remained in the air would hopefully be enough to clear the thoughts from my mind.

Once we arrived, I let Onyx loose without her leash and she pranced ahead. Thankfully, the deterrent I'd placed on the ledge still seemed effective. I left her to lay in the field and sat at the edge alone with my sketchbook. Still uninspired, I drew what I saw, hoping to spark something. Two hours later, I had a picture of the lake and that was it.

With a sigh, I put my sketchbook back in my bag. As I put my pencils back in their case, I called over my shoulder, "Okay, Onyx. Five minutes and we're leaving. It's getting cold."

"You're leaving?"

I jumped up and turned. Ducking my head until I was able to clear emotion from my expression, I busied myself with putting my pencil case in my bag and zipping it up. "What are you doing here, Calin?"

"I tried calling yesterday and today. All I got was voicemail, so I came to check on you," he said and shrugged as I looked up to meet his gaze.

"Well, I was feeling antisocial and turned it off, okay? I still don't feel like company."

I put my bag over my shoulder and started to walk away, realizing too late that I had to pass him to leave the clearing. Trying to take a wide birth, I stepped to the right and started past, and Calin stepped into my path. I moved left and he followed, reaching out to put his hand on my shoulder.

"Look, Nora—"

"Can I leave?" I looked up, raising my chin.

"I'm sorry about Friday, okay?"

I paused and drew in a breath. Now he was apologizing? "I don't know what you mean. It was a good supper. Thank you."

"Look, I freaked out," he said and dropped his hand to my waist, guiding me towards the logs around the firepit.

I don't know why I followed, but I wanted to know what he was talking about. It was easier than having to ask and no amount of pride that kept me from talking to him now would give me enough courage to ask him about it later. I buried the ugly emotion and sat beside him, then scooted away so that he was no longer touching me. I didn't need my judgement clouded. Mentally, I fortified my shield so that I could make it through the conversation without allowing my feelings to overrule my logic.

"You were saying?"

He laughed, though it wasn't filled with humor. "Look, my mom idolized Vavila and—"

"I'm not my mother, Calin."

"No, but I see her goodness and strength in you, which is intimidating."

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