Chapter Nineteen

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I didn't see Devland when I returned to the Manor, though that could be because chaperones might have had to stay at the school until all the students departed. Once I reached my suite, I quickly showered the make-up and hair products off, then changed into pajamas and crawled into bed with Onyx at my side. She was clingier than usual, following me into the bathroom and laying in front of the shower until I emerged. The next time I went on a trip, she would be coming with me, especially now that I didn't care whether Devland knew I was gone.

On Sunday, I woke feeling completely rejuvenated and went down to the library to look for a cloaking spell for Maible. Now that I was back to full energy and then some, I couldn't put off what I promised. I texted Calin to let him know I was busy for the day and spent hours in books.

By the end, I hadn't found what I wanted.


Perhaps there was nothing to find. I went back to my room contemplating my options. Finally, I decided that I would try to cloak Maible after she was unbound without using a spell at all.

If I imagined I couldn't sense her, then that should mean nobody else could, either.

On Monday morning, I texted Calin that I would drive myself to school so that I could stop and talk to Luna, and I asked him to pick up Maible. I quickly dressed and went downstairs early enough to stop Mrs. Renaldi from making a feast.

"Just toast, please," I said as I walked into the kitchen. "I told Calin that I would meet him at school so that I could stop for coffee today."

"Your father already left," Mrs. Renaldi said in response as she put a couple of slices of bread in the toaster. She turned and placed her back against the counter, her hands raising to hold the edge for support. "I saw you looking at the dining room." She smiled. "How was your trip?"

"Uh, good."

"Were you mad that they surprised you?"

"No." I shook my head. "Thank you for watching Onyx."

"Of course. She's a beautiful dog."

"Mm-hmm." I nodded, standing straighter as the toast popped up.

Mrs. Renaldi laughed, turning to butter the slices. As soon as she finished, she wrapped them in a paper towel and handed them to me. "Here you go. Maybe some coffee will help you become less antsy."

"Thanks." I grabbed the toast and slung my bag over my shoulder, sending a backwards wave to her I exited the kitchen.

Quickly, just in case Mrs. Renaldi had been mistaken about Devland being gone, I rushed from the Manor and into my car. If coffee didn't help, talking to Luna would. If not, I could always find Calin and accidentally bump into him for his calming effect. Still feeling awkward after the almost-kiss in my car, I didn't want to ask him for help. Perhaps he'd sense it and the need to help me would outweigh the tension. Then that would be gone, too.

We really needed to talk about things, or I was going to drive myself crazy.


The drive to Celestial Java only took a couple of minutes and there were hardly any vehicles outside. I parked in front and hopped out of my car, leaving the paper towel from my toast on the console as I took the last bite. Walking inside, the bell jangled overhead. Luna looked up from the register with a smile. There were only a couple of people seated but for once nobody took notice of my arrival.

"Hey!" Luna called, grabbing a to-go cup with a lid. "I haven't seen you around lately."

I shrugged, smiling. "I've been busy. You know, resting, hanging out with Onyx, and taking secret trips back to Briarville."

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