8: He'll Never Hurt You Again

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I rode my bike out to the hill I normally sat at. I stood at the top, watching the scenery in front of me, I've missed this...

I kicked my bike stand out and grabbed a pop tart from my bike basket. I took a seat, enjoying the view, when I heard something behind me. I turned to only be met with a daisy in front of me. I furrowed my eyebrows. Curious, I stood up.

"Hello?" I asked, picking up the flower. Nothing. I began to walk down the hill a bit, "Gerard?"

"Pop tart!" I turned back around, he was standing where I had previously sat.

"Gee, what are you doing here?" I asked, cautiously making my way back up the hill.

"I came to apologize. I know you said you didn't want to see me, but I... I really wanted to see you. I've missed you." He explained, why is this so much like my dream? Is this a dream? No, that can't be possible...

"I know what I did to you was terrible. I know you'll probably never forgive me, but I just want to let you know that, I'm sorry. I really am. I really like you, Y/n. I wish I had never hurt you."

That's when I realized, he had his hands behind his back, "I know this is kinda silly but, I found this the other day. It made me think of you."

He brought his hands out from behind his back to reveal a teddy bear. It had fluffy brown fur, a pretty pink bow around it's neck, and a matching heart in its little hands.

"Aww, thank you," I took the bear from his hands and held it close. I carefully stroked the soft fur as a smile crept onto my face, "I think I'm missing you too." Okay shit, this is way too similar to my dream! What if he bites me!? Fuck! But, he's being so nice! Ahhhh! This is so confusing...

"Really?" He asked in disbelief, taking a step towards me. I nodded.

"I can't stop thinking about you."

"That's sweet, you've been on my mind as well, sweet pea," He thought for a moment, "Can I hug you?"

"You're not gonna bite me, are you?" I asked, looking up at him.

"No, never again." Honesty filled his voice, Should I really trust him? Is this a bad idea? Most likely...

I sighed, and nodded. He grinned as he wrapped his arms around me. I still held the bear in my hands as he rested his head atop of mine, He's so cold... Yet I don't want him to let go...

"You're adorable." He kissed the top of my head.

"You're sweet. I think I like you and, I wanna see you more." He pulled away, surprised, but happy.

"Really!? Oh, jellybean!" He hugged me again as he kissed all around my face. I just giggled at his excitement. He was about to bring his lips to mine, but stopped.

He looked me in the eyes, unsure if it was okay. I leaned in and brought my lips to his. They were cold as ice, but I didn't mind. He broke away, smirking.

"I promise I'll never hurt you again. You're safe with me."

"Thanks Gee, do you wanna come home with me?" I asked, eyes on the bear.

"Yeah, if you don't mind."

"I don't, we'll just have to be careful of Josh. Says he'll kick your ass if he sees you near me."

"Yeah, cause pinkie pie can kick my ass." He laughed.

"I don't know," I began to get my bike, "He takes kick boxing."

"Ah yes, a kick boxer verses a supernatural being. Kick boxer definitely wins over the vampire with powers."

"Hey, all he has to do to defeat you is pull out some garlic. So, don't even," I laughed, as we walked down the hill and to my house. We talked and joked until we made it to my house, "Okay, we need to be quiet so Josh doesn't hear us."

"Okay, I'll do my best." He laughed. We walked up the porch steps, quietly. I successfully set my bike down and unlocked my door. Then, Josh's door opened.

"Y/n! What are you-" His eyes went to Gerard, "What the fuck are you doing here!?" He angrily yelled.

"It's fine, he's not gonna do anything." I calmly assured.

"That's what he said last time! Look where that got you! I can't believe you!"

"Hey, shut up, pinkie pie! Are you her dad or something? She's a grown woman, if she wants to hang out with me, then let her!" Gerard cried, he winked at me, and I smiled.

"Come on, Gee. Let's go inside." I reached for his hand, but Josh jumped in front, blocking me.

"No! You're not hanging out with him! He's a vampire! What if he bites you again!? Did you ever think of that!?" Gerard looked ashamed, staring at the ground. He opened his mouth to speak, but I started first.

"I did, and he won't."

"How do you know that?"

"I just do. I trust him. Gerard, you're invited into my home. Let's go before dad gets any angrier." I grabbed Gerard's hand and we strutted inside, leaving Josh on the porch.

"I'm not gonna save you this time!" Josh called from the other side of the door, Bet...

"That's fine, there'll be no need for it!" I called back, locking my door so he wouldn't barge in, "I'm sorry about that, dewdrop. He can be a little, over protective."

"It's okay, I'm just happy to be with you now," He held my hand and spun me around, "You're so pretty," I blushed, putting my free hand over my face, "Awww!" He brought my hand down and kissed my cheek, He is so sweet...

"Baby doll, thank you for letting me be with you tonight. I haven't been able to stop dreaming about your dreamy eyes."

"Oh baby," I giggled, and held his face in my hands, Cold...

He put his hands over mine and just looked at me, lovingly, "Gee?"

"Yeah?" He answered, softly.

"I... I think I'm falling for you." I spoke fast. His eyes lit up like fireflies or shooting stars.

"I am too." He answered, we both laughed happily as he brought his lips back to mine.

Wow wouldn't that have been the perfect ending to this whole story. Haha, too bad it's not! Josh is gonna be doing stuff ahahahahaha. Writing is fun. I remember feeling bad for putting the characters in sad and dangerous situations. Now it's like so fun for me to cause chaos ahahahaha! Why be mean irl, when you can just be mean to characters in a story? Have a spectacular day~peace out cheesebags

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