22: Caution: Chaos May Ensue in Hospitals

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Unknown pov Oooooo

Walking through the hospital doors. With just a snap of my fingers, the new power I had gained just last night worked like a charm.

Everyone alive had no sense of me being there. Any sound I make, any step I take, they wouldn't notice a thing. A smirk spread across my face as I gingerly walked through the hospital. Gerard... where are you hiding?

Finally, I had come up upon a room with a sign. Beware... vampire staying here... please, my Gerard? He wouldn't hurt a fly... most of the time...

Opening the door, I spotted miss jellybean asleep in a chair. She won't notice a thing...

Stepping towards her, I brushed my fingers down her sleepy face. She moved ever so slightly.

"Oh, jellybean..." I sickly snickered. She only lay asleep with a teddy bear in her arms, "Stupid girl..." She looks just as tasty as she did our last encounter... but I'm not here for her...

My gaze went to the sleeping vampire in the hospital bed. I stood beside the bed, across from the sleeping girl. Are you dead or are you sleeping?

"Are you dead or are you sleeping?" No answer, "Are you dead or are you sleeping!?" I sickly smirked, shaking my head, "I sure hope you are dead..."

Carefully, my fingers twisted around his hair. They then traced down his face.

"Weak. So weak. No wonder you're in the hospital. That girl does you no good." I still got no answer, but looked to the girl who shifted in her chair.

I could take her... I could eat her... he's weak... but there's no way to get her out of here... damn shame...

"If only she hadn't come into his life, all would be well. Oh Gerard..." I traced the back of my hand down the side of his face.

"You always did something to me. Something I can't quite describe," I thought back to the times we had, "But that'll never happen again," I snickered, "I hope you don't make it out of this. I never wanna look into those pretty hazel eyes again. But then again," I held his hand, "Blood bending would be pretty sick."

The girl shifted again, then opened her eyes. I didn't take much notice, until she began squinting at me. Can she...

"B-Billie!?" Her eyes went wide, she then fell out of the chair and crawled to the other side of the room. How can she see me? Doesn't matter... I gotta go...

"I'm not here for you, jellybean," Her eyes became teary, "I'm only here to see Gerard." She seemed to have a hard time seeing me, she only squinted. I kissed his forehead, and stepped towards the girl.

"Get away from me!"

"As much as I wanna eat ya, I'm not going to!" I rolled my eyes, leaving the room. Walking down the halls, there wasn't a single glance at me. Besides one. The feeling of a stare shivered down my spine.

"Mikey? Is that you?" I asked, not even turning around.

"What the fuck are you doing here!?"

"Just saying hello to an old friend," I finally turned to him, he held a red face, along with clenched fists, "Wow, you'd think an emotion manipulator would be able to control his own emotions." I snickered as he sent a dead stare.

"Get out. You have no right being here."

"Oh, I have every right to be here. Just cause you don't want me to be here, doesn't mean I won't be here."

"Why can't anyone else see you?" I snickered.

"Does the name, Awsten, ring a bell?" His face softened, saddened, and filled with sorrow.


"Y'know colored hair just doesn't taste as good as natural-" He jumped forward, pushing me into a random closet where he held me against a wall.

"Fuck you! How could you do this!?"

"I ask myself the same question everyday. Then I say, well, whatever it takes to be all mighty powerful, and evil," I smirked, "Off topic, but damn this is kinda hot. Wouldn't you agree?" He pulled away from me, clearly disgusted.


"What? I mean, I was here for your brother, but, I like what you've got going here," He stepped away, "Mikey..." I whined, stepping closer.

"G-Get away from me!" He pushed me back into the wall.

"Mikey..." I smirked as he did exactly as I wanted. Uncomfortable, he stood as far as he could from me in the little closet, "Please, you can't go anywhere!" I licked the side of his neck, and he fell back out the closet. Door wide open, I stood over his nervous stature.

"You're a monster..." He said, still in shock.

"That's my goal!" I snickered, "I honestly didn't think a hospital visit could be so fun." My body fell over his. Fingers caressing the side of his face. Adorable boy... annoying, but so fuckin' cute...

"Billie..." I looked up to find jellybean standing beside us, "Get off him."

"Or else what?" I smirked, she had nothing to say, "You can't even see me!"

"Yeah I can! Not... not very well... but I see you!" My gaze went back to Mikey, still terrified.

"Is she dead?" I asked, he only shook his head. Without warning, Mikey had gone invisible and moved out from under me. Reappearing, he stood shaking behind jellybean.

"Damn..." I got up off the floor, "Oh jellybean," As my fingers went for her face, she smacked them away, "Ow! Gerard really did get himself a feisty little girl."

"Or y'know, maybe I don't like it when people try to hurt my friends!"

"Friends? Is that what you call them? The people who want to eat you? Your... friends... sure..." Her hands went through her hair, frustrated.

"Get out of my head! Get out of here! You got what you came for, now go!"

"Am I overstaying my welcome? I'm sorry, I'll go." I began walking away, Mikey stood as far as possible from me while staying behind jellybean. I stood still, only a few feet away so they could still hear me.

"But, little jellybean, Mikey, if Gerard wakes up, I guarantee you I'll be the one to put him out for good. Even if he already is... dead..." I snickered, finally making my way out the bleach white hospital. Quietly, I transformed into a bat, flying home. Transforming back, I entered the gigantic warehouse.

"... you're so pretty and a darling oh I wanna eat you up..." I hummed, "I wanna feed... you may have many calories, but that sounds like the kinda thing I love..." I smirked, entering one of the many rooms, "I hope you're as sweet as you taste... cause tonight... I want your blood..."

Quickly, I changed into more comfortable clothes. Taking a seat on my bed, thoughts of Gerard flooded my tired mind. My body fell back into the bed, laying to the side, I clutched a pillow as tears left my eyes.

How could such a stupid girl take him from me!? I mean... yeah... we weren't actually together... we were 'friends' as he would say... to him we were... to me... oh, Gerard... if only things had been different...

I squeezed the pillow harder. I don't care anymore... you're dead... I'm sorry my love... that's just how it has to be... how I hope for it to be... oh the power... blood bending... fire bending... no one will stand a chance against me...

Ahahahahhaahhaahahhahahahahhaha I had no idea what to do with this chapter for the longest time until I was like???? Billie??? That's a character in this book??? What if??? Hmmmmmm and now here it is. It's a lot shorter than I want it to be, but I didn't wanna drag it on, yk? I was planning to write for one of my other stories that I haven't written for in awhile but I've been having SO much fun writing these Gerard books + Hugh-Mann idk why. They're just a lot of fun. Have a marvelous day~peace out cheesebags

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