14: Your Dull Words can bring Him to Tears

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In the morning, the curtains were drawn so only a small stream of sunlight shown through. Y/n still slept soundly as I played with her hair, She's still so pale... so weak... she didn't deserve this...

"Y/n?" I whispered, ever so softly, there was no reply, "Y/n? Jellybean?" Her eyes fluttered open, and looked to me.

"Hey Gee," She rubbed her eyes, "What happened last night?"

"You got bitten, but I think you'll be okay now."

"Bitten!? Oh, Gerard I'm so dumb! That Roxy girl, in the bathroom!" She sat up as the memories came back to her, "I tried to fight her back, I'm so weak. I couldn't."

"It's not your fault, babe. Roxy is insane, and she's got super strength, so it wasn't fair, anyways," She looked down at her fingers, clearly upset, "Y/n, I'm sorry for what happened last night. It should've been me in there, not you. She's just, trying to get to me."

"She knows I'm a human." She quietly said, just as tears began to form.

"Oh, please don't cry," I hugged onto her, "It's okay, pop tart, shhh..."

"What if she tells everyone? What will happen to you? To us? To me?" She asked, worried.

"I'm not entirely sure, but it doesn't matter what happens to me. I won't let anything happen to you, I promise. I'll keep you safe, my love." I kissed her cheek, as she cried into my chest.

"I... I don't want anything to happen to you," She whispered, "You don't deserve that."

"Well, I'd rather have something happen to me than you," She looked up at me, scared, "Besides, it's gonna take more than what they've got to take me down, and who knows, maybe they'll be fine with us."

"But what if they aren't?"

"We'll just have to wait and see." She brought her gaze back down, then giggled.

"I should probably change out of this nasty dress now, huh?" I smiled.

"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." I chuckled.

She pulled away and walked towards her closet. I just laid back on the bed, watching her fingers touch each of her shirts, with a short clicking sound from the hangers clacking against each other. She pulled out a purple sweater I had seen her wear about a dozen times with a random pair of jeans. She looked back at me and smiled.

"Oh, do you want me to leave?" I asked, I've never seen much of her body before... just her back last night... and her hands, of course...

"I mean, you don't have to." She answered, unsure of her words.

"I just, don't wanna make you uncomfortable." She smiled, and looked to the floor.

"Baby..." She began, "... I don't mind..." She began to nervously bite at her lip.

"Why you all nervous, then?"

"I've just, never been really good at this..."

"Good at what?" I asked.

"Oh, y'know... that... and well, anything like that..."

"It's okay, we don't have to do anything you don't wanna."

"But, we've been together for awhile now," She sat on the bed, still holding onto the clothes, "Aren't you, y'know... bored?"

"Why would I be bored?" I sat up and hugged her from behind, "I couldn't possibly get bored, you're the most amazing thing to happen to me." I told her, honestly.

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