21: Uh, Yeah, Silver Bullets Can Do a Lot of Damage Against Vampires

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A gun was shot. It was shot at me. But I stood still. Tears welled up with the absence of my lovers hand, knowing exactly what had happened. Slowly, my gaze dropped to him, followed by my body. Just beside him, I sat on my knees. The other boys were trapped by shock, not being able to move.

Gerard lay still on the ground. Crimson liquid leaked from the bullet shaped hole just above the side of his waist. I had barely even realized how big my droopy tears had become as they dripped down my face.

The boy standing in front of me dropped his gun. Flinching, I looked to him. His eyes now wide as he tried to speak, but could not come up with the right things to say. Only short stutters left the boys mouth, mimicking sorrowful words that he just couldn't quite bring himself to reach.

"I... I'm I... uh... um..." My eyes now glued to him, clearly bringing the boy discomfort. Without even thinking, my fingers had began carefully twisting around Gerard's loose hairs.

"You shot him." Was all I said.

"I... I didn't mean to-"

"You shot him!" I cried, "How could you!?" Hugging onto my love's body, the dark haired boy ran out towards us. As soon as his eyes hit Gerard, he slowed down. Then stopped.

"Patrick, what the fuck did you do!?"

"I... I dunno it... it was an accident... I swear I wasn't actually gonna shoot-"

"But you did." I sobbed, Pete brought his gaze to me, now full of sorrow.

"Are you kidding me!? You shot him!? Why the hell did you have the gun, anyways!?"

"I heard them call me a little wimp! I just wanted-"

"Seriously!? They called you some stupid name so you pull a gun at them!? Who does that!?" Patrick shrunk down, embarrassed, and regretful of his actions.

"I'm... I'm sorry! I wasn't actually gonna-"

"Shut up." Frank stated, light tears slowly staining his cheeks.

"What? But I-"

"Shut up! I don't care what you have to say, you shot my best friend! Fuck you."

At this point I had stopped paying attention to what everyone said to the boys. My focus was stuck on Gerard. The bullet wound left tiny burn marks around the edges, just as my bracelet had done.

"Gerard...?" Once I spoke, the yelling stopped, and the attention had shifted to me, "Gerard...?" My cries had soon turned to sobs as I watched over my love, "Gerard!" Without even thinking my body fell over his, holding it close, lovingly as I sobbed. He could be gone... for good... Gerard...

"Y/n..." Mikey stepped closer, but I only held tighter.

"Gerard, no, please..." I sobbed, "Please, no, don't let them take you from me, please, Gerard..."

"Y/n..." Mikey tried again, but I pulled away from him, "Y/n! We have to get him to a hospital and we can't do that with you on top of him."

"I don't wanna leave him..."

"You won't be leaving him, you'll be right there next to him, just like we will."

He held a comforting hand to my back, almost instantly a sense of calmness came over me. Then, Mikey helped me off the ground, without warning, I hugged onto him. Even with this new sense of calm, I couldn't help but to cry away the last of my tears. After a few seconds, he pulled away, somewhat surprised by what I had done.

"I'm sorry, I just, really needed that..." I explained. He sent a reassuring smile, and my gaze went back to the two boys in front of us.

"What are you still doing here?"

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