32: Your Only Way Home is Through... Ryan Ross!?

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"Jellybean!" Gerard called down the hallway. I popped my head out the bedroom door. He smiled and came my way. With his arms now around me, he kissed my head.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Me and the boys are gonna go out for a bit. Pete'll stay behind to keep you safe."

"Oh, okay..." I faked a saddened tone. Yes! I can mess with them more! Fuck yeah...

"Don't worry, we'll be back soon." He smiled, then brought his lips to mine for a quick kiss before they all left. It's my time to shine...

Quietly, I wandered around the home. A certain cute boy was on my mind. My short venture was soon interrupted when a pink headed man jumped in front of me.

"Y/n, hey, you wanna watch that movie now?" No... ugh...

"Sure..." I said with the fakest smile that almost made me gag, "I'm gonna use the bathroom first. You should get it ready."

"Okay..." He walked off. I sighed, then stepped into the bathroom. Eyes on my eyes I returned to my own body and sighed. Then, my phone went off. It was Roxanna.

"Hello?" I answered as her.

"Billie, cut it out, it's not funny."

"Well I think it's funny!" I said, changing back to myself.

"Ugh, any updates?"

"Not really, I found a love note in Mikey's room for Pete and put it in Frank's room. Then I found Patrick and I think I'm gonna try to make out with him later."

"Really!? You're not there to mess around, you should be causing drama! Splitting them up! Talking to them!"

"That's no fun. Roxanna, do you know how many fine lookin' gents live in this house? There's so many! And they're all single! I've hit the jackpot."

"Fine, just don't get caught."

"Get caught? I'm not gonna get caught. I'm Billie Joe fuckin' Armstrong."

"Whatever, bye."

"Bye," She hung up, I switched back, then left the bathroom. The pink haired boy ran up to me.

"I got the movie ready." Oh... right... damn...

"Okay, cool..." We sat on the couch together as the movie started. I wasn't paying much attention to it. A certain dark haired vampire boy had sat about a foot beside me. My heart was racing. Fuck he's hot... look away... look away... oh but he's not wearing a shirt... these boys are gonna kill me...

Biting my lip hard, I desperately tried not to stare. He's just... so hot... Pete Wentz... fuck... ah...

Taking quick glances every few minutes, my fingers dug into the couch cushion. Everything in me felt tense with every breath the man beside me took. I wanna jump on top of him... oh...

"Y/n?" I didn't move, "Y/n!"

"Huh!?" I turned to pink hair beside me.

"The movie's over."

"Oh, right, yeah..." I nervously laughed, still thinking of Petey. Jim got up from the couch and walked off. Of course I was left by myself with a hot vampire boy. Slowly, I inched towards him. My lips craved his.

"Pete..." I whispered. He hummed, eyes on me. Fuck...

"Uhm..." I inched closer, "I-"

"Pete!" Someone cried, Pete turned to see a man with curly brown hair, "Can you help me with this?" My eyes were on the floor as he got up and left the room. I fell into the couch cushions on my side. Redness had completely infiltrated my face. I was so close... oh...

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