13: He'd do Anything to Save you

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Gerard's pov

"Get off of her!" I cried, Roxy growled as Y/n dropped to the floor, No, please no, not again, not her... please...

"Gerard, this is the ladies room! Don't you have any decency?"

"Shut up you evil evil person! I hate you!"

"Oh please, you do not!" Tears began to sting my eyes. I tried to run to Y/n, but Roxy pushed me away, "You really think it's that easy? How could I let a human girl replace me!? She's so weak!"

"No she's not. She's strong, and she's good, unlike you."

"Sure sure, now that she's outta the way," She pinned me against the wall, "C'mere pretty boy, what are you gonna do to me?" She whispered seductively.

"I'm not gonna do anything to you... except this!" I punched her stomach. She stumbled back, but got up fairly quickly. I ran to Y/n and held her close, "Oh jellybean, baby girl, please. Please wake up, please..."

"She won't be waking up for awhile, I turned her."

"You what!?"

"You heard me, she won't be your little secret human girl any longer." She smiled sickly as she vanished into the air. A small bat leaving the house through a window.

"That bitch... oh Y/n, I'm so sorry." I picked her up, holding her close. The bathroom was now empty, as I tried to sneak her out of the house, If they know, she could actually die...

"Gerard! Hey! What's- holy shit! What happened to her?" Frank had found me.

"Roxy happened to her, help me get out of here. If anyone else knows, it could be the end for both of us." I explained.

"Uh yeah, yeah, I can help. You'll have a better chance of getting out if you go through the garden. Over through there." He pointed to a door behind us.

"Thanks Frankie, I owe ya one." Holding her close, I ran, but carefully, and quietly through the endless paths of flowers, Oh she would've loved this, I know she would've...

"Y/n, sweetheart?" I stopped behind a bush for a moment as a few vampires walked by. She was cold, and clearly wasn't waking up anytime soon, Why did I do this? I never should've taken her here! What have I done?

Finally, we made it out and I sped through the streets. Holding her carefully so she wouldn't get hurt. I stood in front of her home, as the tears finally escaped my eyes. There was no point in speeding anymore. My lips danced across her soft cheeks as tears dripped over her. The door next to hers opened wide.

"What the hell-" Pink guy ran to my side and looked to his good friend, "What did you do to her!? How could you let this happen again!?"

"It wasn't me. I tried to save her, but, she... she tried turning her." I sobbed.


"Roxy, another vampire. She said she turned her." A heavy sigh came from the pink headed man beside me.

"Take her inside." Totally surprised by his words, I sent him a strange look.

"What?" I asked softly.

"Take her inside! She could die if you don't!" He sighed again, "You're invited into my home..." He mumbled.

"Really!?" He nodded, "Wow, thanks," I picked up the beautiful maiden laying peacefully on the ground as Josh led me inside.

"Set her on the couch." I did as told, then examined the place.

"Wow, it's like Y/n's home, but backwards."

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