28: Don't Let the Cannibal Get You While Your Boy's Away

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Your pov

"Jellybean!" Gerard called through the hall. I popped my head out the bedroom door.

"Dewdrop!" I called back in a sing song voice. He smiled and walked over.

"Uhm, so, me and the boys are gonna go out for a bit. There's some weird shit going on a few blocks down, we're gonna check it out."

"Am I not going?"

"Probably not, you just turned into a half vampire. You need rest. Just for now." I smiled at him, sadly.


"I got you something."

"You did?" He nodded, I smiled.

"Baby, I know you're not the biggest fan of jewelry, but I found this the other day and thought it'd be perfect for you." He pulled out a little necklace that had a pair of charms on it. One was of a pop tart, the other, a jellybean.

"Aw, Gerard, that's adorable," I took it from him and held it around my neck, "Could you?" I turned around.

"Oh, yeah..." He clipped the two ends together, and I turned back around, "You're so adorable." He took my hands in his, playfully moving them around so we swayed. I brought my lips to his, he couldn't help but smile.

"Uh, Gerard?" We had been interrupted by Frank. Gerard looked to the floor, then to his friend, slightly annoyed.

"Yes, Frank?"

"We're leaving."

"Already?" I asked.

"Sorry babe, don't worry, Pete's staying behind. And well, anyone else staying in this house. I really haven't met everyone."

"No one has..." Frank said, "C'mon, let's go."

"Okay, bye jellybean."

"Bye dewdrop," He kissed my cheek and they were off. I sat back in the little room, doodling in my sketchbook. After a few moments, the room felt as if it were a thousand degrees. The house gets so hot! It's like vampires are against air conditioning or something!

So I got up and dug through my clothes until I found a pair of jean shorts and my little acid wash poncho. The ends only went down to my shorts pockets. My necklace had fallen under my shirt, but I didn't mind. Once done I slipped my socks and converse back on. I've accidentally stepped in so many strange puddles... eww... putting on shoes...

Just then, there was a knock at the front door. I left the room to open the door, but Pete had beat me to it. As he opened the door, I just stood beside the hallway wall where the visitor couldn't see me, but I could see them.

"Frank? What are you doing here?"

"Uhm, well, I forgot my phone." He seems so... anxious... that's so weird for Frank...

"Oh, come in..."

The two boys began talking. I eavesdropped. Nothing too strange was said, that is, until Frank hit Pete over the head with his own fists. My eyes went wide as Pete fell to the floor, unconscious. Frank's fists took only a minute to recover before his eyes met mine. Oh shit...

Quickly, I ran back into the bedroom, locking the door behind me.

"Come out, jellybean..." He snickered, with my eyes on the door, I stepped backwards, "We're not gonna hurt ya! Oh wait, yeah we will!" He punched into the door, but as I stepped back, a hand went over my mouth. I screamed and cried, pulling on the hand until I heard his voice.

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