20: He Needs Saving Too Sometimes

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Gerard and I sat around at his house, doing nothing at all, waiting for a knock at the door. A night out is definitely what we need after everything that's happened... maybe this time it won't go so horribly...

Just then, the knock we had been waiting for had rang through the little living room. We both got up, Gerard opened the door, taking my hand.

"Hey guys..." Frank greeted with the other two behind him.

"Hey man, ready, jellybean?" I nodded, and we were off.

The night was fairly cool, quiet, and the musty smell of rain still filled the air from this morning's showers. It seemed as if the boys were talking non stop, yet I could barely pay attention to them. Some strange feeling ran through my body, like we were being watched.

But, if anyone were near, Frank would be able to smell them, right? I'm just being paranoid...

A tussle was then heard from a nearby bush, but no one else seemed to be paying any attention. My gaze ventured towards it, but I was only torn away by the connection of Gerard and I's hands.

Something's not right... who am I kidding? Something's always 'not right' these days...

Everything in me tried to ignore it, but the feeling only grew stronger. So, I did the only thing I could think to do.

"Gerard?" I tried, but he seemed very invested in whatever Frank was saying, "Gerard?" He didn't answer, still not being able to hear me, "Gerard!?" Finally, he turned to me, and smiled.

"What is it, babe?" He asked, pulling away from the conversation.

"Uhm, I have this really weird feeling that we're being followed..."

"Followed!?" He smiled once more, "We're not being followed, sweetheart. If we were, Frank would be able to smell em' out in seconds."

"Yeah, and if that fails, you have the toughest group of vampires to fight em' off!" Frank reassured.

"I know, but-"

"There's no reason to worry, I promise." Gerard sent another toothy smile and went back to the other conversation while the bushes still tussled around us. Without a word, I moved my hands to hold Gerard's arm. The bushes... how do they not notice?

My eyes were now glued to the moving bushes until we reached the buildings. But even there, strange noises rang through alleyways and the tops of storefronts. The darkness only made it all worse. Something's not right... something's not right...

The boys burst into laughter as the shape of a man appeared for merely a second as we passed by an alleyway. More loose noises rang through the dark sidewalk. In my mind they only became louder and louder. Leaving me with flashbacks to every possible bad thing that had happened in the past few months.

"Jellybean, are you alright?" Gerard asked.

"Uhm... I... I dunno..." I was in a haze. Memories upon memories blinded me. The sounds drowning out anything and everything. What's happening to me!?

"Y/n? Y/n!? Jellybean!?" A hand was held to my head, and I was brought to the edge of a sidewalk where I was sat down, "Are you alright?" My own hands rubbed at my eyes, leaving only specks in my vision resembling colorful stars that slowly faded away.

"Yeah... yeah... I think I'm-" Just then, a group of boys surrounded our posse. Each one yelling loud, only worsening what I had thought to be almost gone. They only made it hard to see who they were.

"Who the hell...?" Gerard stood up.

"Pete!?" A boy called, "What the- ahhh!"

There was more yelling, without even thinking my hands had gone to my ears. My vision went foggy again, dizziness ensuing until I could no longer comprehend what was going on. When a loud thud was heard, and I was out.

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