35: You Can't Have a Priest at a Vampire Wedding

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Your pov

Gerard held me close as we stood on the porch of our new house in the woods. We held our bags in hands. He fiddled with the keys, finding the right one until he was able to open the door.

"Here we go! New house!" He spoke excitedly.

"I know, this is so exciting!"

Finally, he opened the door and we both stepped in, taking in the new house smell, and flicking on the lights in the darkness of night. We dropped our bags and wandered around the two story three bedroom home. He sent a smile as we stood in the master bedroom.

"What?" I asked, copying his facial expression.

"I'm just so happy," My smile widened at the sound of this, "We don't have to fight anything off anymore. This is all I've wanted. For you to be safe, with me."

"Aww, Gee..." I hugged him, he kissed the top of my head, "Now," I began, pulling away, "Come help me unpack..." My hand held his as I dragged him back downstairs to our bags. As I was about to grab them, he spun me around and pressed his lips to mine.

"Gerard..." I whispered.

"Jellybean..." He smiled. I grabbed one of the bags and shoved it into his hands.

"Take it upstairs..." He sent a look, "What?"

"I wanna kiss ya so bad..."

"Later, now, we unpack." I kissed his cheek, passing him with a bag in hand, and walking upstairs. He followed close behind. As I opened up my bag now sat at the end of the bed, he did the same just beside me. Every now and then he'd send a glance my way with a small smile.

"What?" I asked, he shook his head and went back to unpacking. Then, he did it again, "What?"

"Nothin'..." I sent a look, "I'm just, so happy to be with you," He smiled. I kissed his cheek, "You're so pretty..."

"You are too..." I kissed his cheek once again before putting my things in the closet. After a moment or two, he came over and leaned on the door frame.

"Y'know what, jellybean?" I hummed, hanging up some shirts, "I think you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen." I looked over at him.

"Gerard, you can stop trying to win me over, you already got me."

"I know, I just can't help it! You're just..." He sighed, "So... amazing..." I stepped over to him.

"Oh dewdrop, I dunno what I ever did without ya," We both smiled. He leaned in, but I held a finger between our lips, "We gotta unpack or else it'll never get done." I removed my finger and kissed his cheek.

"Fine..." He followed me back downstairs to grab our remaining bags. We made it back upstairs. He wouldn't quit smiling at me.

"You're adorable..." I sighed, watching him watching me. He smiled wide, "You're so smiley today."

"I can't help it! I've just moved in with the most amazing woman in all of Texas!"

"Gerard, we're in New Jersey."

"Still, the girls down in Texas don't got nothin' on you," I giggled, leaning into him. He kissed the side of my head, "Uhm, are we doin' anything else today?"

"Besides moving in? No, tomorrow the boys are coming over..."

"Okay, cool..."

"Why?" I asked, curiously.

"No reason..." He smiled, like it was a lie.

"Dewdrop, what are ya up to?"

"I'm not up to anything, beanie! Nothing at all..." I love it when he calls me beanie... no! I must know what he's up to!

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