(Bonus chapter) 36: Backstory and Extra Stuff

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Hey guys, so, I'm doing something a little different with this chapter. It's gonna be divided into different parts cause like, it's characters backstories I wanted to include and never got to. So yeah. I'm gonna start each section of with a little title and then go from there. This might end up being real long so I understand if you don't wanna read all of it. Or maybe it won't be long we'll see. Anyways, enjoy!<3

 Anyways, enjoy!<3

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Gerard & Mikey

Gerard's pov

Mikey and I casually walked around the downtown, buying comic books, and talking about random things. Both with coffees in hand. It's been awhile since we've been out together... I've been so busy with work...

"... yeah and like, the new Lego Batman game is okay, I mean, what'd you expect from a Lego game y'know?" He spoke, pushing up on his glasses.

"Yeah, I get that. Although, Lego Star Wars was pretty good."

"That's like, the only one." Mikey said, opening the door into a comic book store. We both stepped in. The shop of course had walls lined with comic books along with graphic novels and manga books alike.

"Aside from the games, they do got some pretty sick Lego sets that come from them."

"Definitely, they're sick as hell," We both chuckled, looking through the shelves and boxes the comic books sat in, "How's that job of yours been?"

"Oh uh, watching over Nicolae?"

"Yeah, does he look freaky?"

"Kinda, he's a Nosferatu so he's got that look."

"Sick, he hasn't tried to eat ya, has he?"

"Nah, but he's so old, I'm sure if he did his fangs would just fall out." We both chuckled at the thought. I held a few comics in my hands as did Mikey. I've been working for him for awhile now... he hasn't tried to pull anything so... that's good...

"Find anything good?" I asked, eying his short stack.

"Just some Batman."

"Ah, I got some too." We went up to the register where a girl stood with long dark red hair that neatly fell over her all black ripped t-shirt. Her eyes were a dark green with skin so pale she could almost be mistaken for a vampire. Almost.

"Hi! Find everything you need?" She asked, sweetly.


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