17: He'd Get a Garlic Bomb to the Face For You

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Gerard's pov

As I sat at home, doing nothing in particular, there was a knock at my door. It's probably the boys...

Opening the door, my prediction was wrong. Josh stood on my doorstep, a strange look in his eye, as he held onto something beside him. Wait, is that...

"Uh..." He began, but I started talking before he could explain.

"Wait, is that Y/n's? Why do you have her bike? Where is she?" I asked, clearly concerned.

"I was hoping you'd know. I'm not sure what happened, but I heard screaming outside. I didn't think anything of it, but then I realized..." He looked down, ashamed for not helping, "...I realized it was her..."

"Well where is she?" Panic taking over my voice.

"I don't know! She was gone before I even got outside, her bike was left on the pavement."

"Was someone with her? A werewolf?" I peeked my head out the door, it's not a full moon tonight... it wasn't a werewolf...

"Yeah, there was a guy. I didn't get a good look at him though." He explained, no... where could she be? Is she okay? I need to save her!

Just then, the sound of loud talking and laughter made its way up my porch. Josh stepped away as the group of boys came closer.

"Hey Gee," Frank greeted, then sent a weird look to Josh, "What's he doing here?"

"Uhhh, it's Y/n... she's been kidnapped..." I explained, scratching my neck, and looking to the ground.

"Seriously!? Shit! What happened!?" Mikey asked.

"Well," Josh began, "I'm not entirely sure, I just heard her outside. I didn't know it was her, but when I finally went outside... she was gone! I found her bike on the sidewalk..."

"Wait, is that her bike!?" Asked Frank.

"Yeah..." Answered Josh.

"Can I see it?"


"Just lemme see it! For a second!" Frank grabbed at the bike, Josh pulled away, "Dude! Do you wanna find Y/n or not!?" Josh sighed and brought the bike closer to Frank.

"He has super smell, he could probably figure out who took her." Ray explained as Frank sniffed the bike like a curious dog.

"Don't vampires all have the same powers?" Josh asked, now sending a strange look towards Frank.

"No, there's a few common powers that the majority of vampires have but there's always like, a few more unique powers for each vampire," Mikey explained, "Like we all mostly have super strength, but only Frank has super smell."

"Oh shit..." Frank held a worried look on his face.

"What? Where is she!?" I cried, freaking out.

"It's... it's Billie," He looked at me concerned, "He took her..."

"Seriously!? Billie!? Fuck, we gotta go save her!" I cried, on the verge of tears, but held an angry expression to hide it.

"Um, should I take the bike with us...? Or..." Josh asked, getting freaked out himself.

"Just set it inside, we gotta go!" I took the bike from Josh, shoving it inside, and slamming the door, before beginning our journey to kick a cannibal's ass with Frank leading the way.

"Hey Gerard, are you okay?" Asked Ray.

"Well my girlfriend just got kidnapped by a cannibal, so I'm great! Obviously I'm not o-fucking-kay! Who knows what he's done to her by now!?" I didn't mean to snap... I just need to know that she's okay...

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