Chapter one

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Put on your war paint.

"Really, Jamie?" I asked.

You are a brick tied to me that's dragging me down. Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground. We are the jack o lanterns in July, setting fire to the sky. He-here comes this rising tide.

"Yes, really. You know I love them." Jamie said.

I rolled my eyes. "They're horrible." I said.

"They are not!" she yelled.

I smiled. "Fall Out Boy has a weird sound. I'm not a fan." I said.

It was a lie. But Jamie didn't know that. She didn't know about my past. She didn't know how much I really did like Fall Out Boy.

Well, at least at once I did. Now..not so much.

All because of one guy.

Hey, young blood. Doesn't it feel. Like our time is running out. I'm gonna change you. Like a remix. Then I'll raise you. Like a Phoenix. Wearin' our vintage misery. No, I think it looked a little better on me. I'm gonna change you. Like a remix. Then I'll raise you. Like a Phoenix.

Will, my dance partner, came into the room.

"Hey, Tori. We need to go." He said.

I stood up. "Finally. I was beginning to believe you'd never save me, Willy." I said.

Will was a British, black haired, green eyed, sexy as hell dancer. He was incredibly strong, amazingly talented, and every girl's dream. I could tell him anything and trust he'd keep it a secret, he'd hold doors open for me, protect me from any jerk that tried to be rude.

I was much smaller, though I had a good amount of muscle in my abs and legs. It's what you got when you were a dancer. I was short enough to come up to Will's shoulder, with red hair and blue eyes. I was thin as a rail, something my director, Tom, loved.

Will and I were the highest ranked dancers at our studio, something that we'd worked years to achieve. We could also act pretty well, and sing. We'd been to competitions in New York City, Los Angeles, and Orlando. We'd won all three. Now, the nationals would be held here, in Chicago, at our studio. And Will and I had the opening performance.

"Tori, I always come and save you." Will said, giving me one of his angel smiles.

Will had a crush on me. He wasn't one to beat around the bush, and he'd told me. But, like I said. Will was perfect. And talented. I didn't fall in love with beautiful, talented men.

Not anymore.

I told Will I didn't need to be in a relationship and he understood. He was my best friend.

"That you do. Let's go." I said. I followed him out to his car, a brand new camero. He opened the door for me, waited for me to get in, then closed for me.

"Ready?" he asked.

"To sing until my voice is gone and dance until my legs fall off? Of course I am!" I exclaimed.

Will laughed. "And that, Tori," he said. Is why you're Tom's favorite."


"Okay, my friends." Tom said. "The next song is Centuries."

I spit out my water. "Centuries?!" I demanded. "Centuries by Fall Out Boy?!"

Tom rolled his eyes. "Tori, I understand that you're not a fan, but that's the opening performance for nationals. And you're performing with them at the end." He said.

I thought it couldn't get worse.

It just got worse.

"WHAT?!?!?!" I demanded.

"Okay, we're gonna take five." Will said, stopping the meltdown.

Suddenly I was in his arms, and he was carrying me away from the stage.

"Tori!" he yelled. "Snap out of it! I know you don't like them, but you've gotta let it go! What was that out there?!"

But Will didn't know. He didn't know about the history between that godforsaken band and myself. No one did. Except me.

And Patrick Stump.


"Baby, I've gotta talk to you." Patrick said.

I walked over and sat in his lap. "Then talk to me." I said.

He sighed and put his arms around me. "Tori, Pete just called me and said the band's got a tour. It's gonna last a few months. I don't know when I'll be back." He said.

"How far away are you gonna go?" I asked. He couldn't leave me. I loved him. I loved him so much.

"All around the world." Patrick said.

I bit my lip. I hated to cry. I hated to cry in front of him.

"But hey, we can work this out, right? Ill call every day. And every chance I get, I'll come back. I'll come see you." He said.

"Promise?" I asked.

He kissed me.

"I promise."


The next thing I knew, Patrick was married to another woman. He'd even just had a baby. All because he thought he shouldn't be with a girl four years younger than him.

"Let's go do this damn song and get it over with." I said.

Will nodded, and I went out to sing the lyrics that physically burned my throat to sing.

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