Chapter eighteen

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"Tori, we need to talk." Patrick said, sitting down beside me. I'd been brought home yesterday, and now I was on my couch. I was kind of terrified of everywhere now. My apartment was where Will had attacked me, but Patricks hotel room was where Evan had caught me. There was no place safe.

"That doesn't sound good." I said.

Patrick grinned. "It's not bad. I swear." He said.

"Okay. Shoot." I said.

He rested a hand on my good leg, giving me a gentle squeeze. "I know you don't like to be in my hotel room." He said.

I nodded, biting my lip. "And you don't like to be left alone here." He continued.

"No." I said.

"Well, babe. I've got some news for you." Patrick said.


"Joey isn't here often. He has to work." He said.

"I know."

"Tori, I can't stay with you forever."

I felt my heart sink. Why couldn't he?

"Okay.." I said, trailing off.

"Tori, don't jump to conclusions. I'm not done yet." Patrick said

"I'm still listening." I said.

"Tori, I'm going back on tour soon." He said.

My heart sank even further, but I tried to hide it this time.

"I don't want to leave you alone." Patrick continued.

Now I was confused.

"So, there's two things I want to happen. One, I want you to come on tour with us." He said.

I thought about it. I would like to go with them. And tour was what tore us apart to begin with, I didn't want to lose him to that again.

"Okay. I'll go." I said, offering a smile.

Patrick grinned and gave my leg another gentle squeeze. "What was he second thing?" I asked.

"Okay. Here goes. Tori, I want you to move in with me."

I gasped a little. Move in? As in, live together? Wasn't that a little too rushed?

Then I thought of something. Before Evan broke the two of us up, we'd been together for two years. This wasn't that bad an idea.

"O-okay. When do we start moving?" I asked.

"I can have your stuff moved by the time we get back from the tour." Patrick said.

"And when do we leave for that?" I asked.

"The day after nationals." He replied.

I felt the pang in my chest at the mention of nationals.

"Tom said that we'll have to perform on our own now that you and Will are both out." He said. "but I was hoping you and I could sing together."

"What? Really?" I asked.

"It's not fair that Will and Evan took nationals away from you. I want to give it back as much as I can." He said.

I smiled. He was perfect. Absolutely perfect.

"What do we sing?" I asked.

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