Chapter thrity two

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When I woke up, the person next to me was not Patrick, but Pete.

What the hell?

I sat up. I was wearing my underwear and the shirt Patrick was wearing when he came in last night.

I looked around, but my fiancé was nowhere to be seen.

I reached over and shook Pete. He groaned and grabbed my hand, tucking underneath his arm and going back to sleep.

"Pete, get up." I said.









"Peter Lewis."

"Peter Lewis Kingston."

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz."

"Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz III."


He finally startled awake and looked at our entwined hands. I stared at him until he finally let me go and rubbed his eyes.

"What?" He asked.

"Where is Patrick and why are you in the bed with me?" I asked.

"He went to get Elisa. Andy and Joe got here last night, and so I gave them my hotel room and came in here. Don't worry, Patrick had already put his shirt on you. I didn't see anything. Anyway, he asked me to stay with you while he was gone in case you had a nightmare." He said.

"Well, a lot of help you would've been. I've been trying to wake you up forever." I said.

"I was awake. I was ignoring you." He said.

I slapped his arm.

"Dick." I snapped.

"Oh, calm down." He said, rolling over.

I made a point of shoving him off my bed.

"Ow! Tori!" He cried.

I suppressed a giggle.

"You know, you could've laid in the extra bed. Why'd you lay beside me?" I asked.

There was a pause before he answered.

"You were warm and I was cold." He said lamely.

Whatever the real reason was, I didn't feel like I was going to get it. So I gave up. "Give me my pants, would you?" I asked.

"If I do, will you let me sleep?" He asked.

"Fine." I said. "But in the spare bed."

Pete tossed me my pants and crawled into the other bed. I put then on, making sure he didn't peek, and got out of mine.

"Do you know when Patrick will be back?" I asked.

"That's not letting me sleep." Pete said.

"Don't make me come over there, Wentz." I warned.

He sighed heavily without opening his eyes. "He said he'd be back in about two hours. He left an hour ago." He said.

"Okay. I'm going to take a shower." I said.

"Don't get sucked down the drain." Pete said.

"Shut up." I called.

Pete's POV

Andy and Joe came bursting in. "You laid next to her while she slept?!" Joe demanded.

What did a guy have to do just to fucking sleep?!

"Were you two eavesdropping?" I asked.

"Answer the damn question, Pete! What the fuck is wrong with you?" Andy demanded.

"Exactly which question am I supposed to be answering?" I asked.

Joe came over and pulled me out of bed. "The question of why the hell you slept next to your best friends fiancé!" He cried.

"Shhh, before you stress her out." I said. "I laid next to her because I didn't want her to have a nightmare when she subconsciously figured out Patrick was gone."

"So what, you thought you could replace the guy she loves?" Andy asked.

"Would you two give up on this? Tori is like a little sister to me, that's why I'm protective of her. I'd want Patrick to comfort my girlfriend if she'd been through what Tori's been through and I wasn't there to do it." I said.

Joe shook his head. "I don't believe you. I think you're falling in love with her." He said.

"Oh, bullshit, Joe!" I cried. Why wouldn't they let this go? I maybe had a little crush on her! So fucking what?!

"You need to calm down." Andy told me.

"No. I'm going to tell you what you sound like. 'Hi, I'm Andy! And I'm Joe! We both think Pete Wentz is in love with Tori Eaton because we saw them sharing a bed, even though we have an explanation as to why. We also think we should try to stop Pete from taking Tori away from Patrick.' Well, guess fucking what, you two! You're not stopping me from anything!" I yelled.

Then the door opened.

Patricks POV

After I settled Elisa in the room across the hall from Tori and I, i began to hear yelling from my room.

When I reached a distance that I can make out their words, I heard Pete's voice. And I didn't like what he had to say.

"We also think we should stop Pete from taking Tori away from Patrick. Well guess fucking what, you two? You're not stopping me from anything!"

What the hell? Pete was trying to take Tori? My own best friend?!

I threw the door open. Tori was nowhere to be seen, but I heard the shower running. Andy and Joe were both angrily facing Pete. Pete was fuming, breathing fast and hard.

"Patrick!" He exclaimed. "Tell them what happened this morning."

I walked over to him and punched him in the face.

"What the hell!" He shouted.

"Stay away from her!" I screamed.

I hit him again. Andy and Joe were yelling at me, begging me to stop. I didn't.

"Andy and Joe aren't stopping you from anything, huh?" I demanded. "Well, let me give it a try!"

I hit him another time.

"Patrick!" I heard.

I turned and saw Tori, standing wearing a robe.

Pete took my distraction as an opportunity to get away from me, and he vanished out the door.

"What the hell is going on?" Tori demanded.

I couldn't bear the thought of losing her. Especially to Pete. I reached for her. "Come here." I said. I also didn't like the way she was only wearing a robe. If Pete, who was like her big brother, wanted her than who knew about Joe and Andy. I wasn't taking any chances.

"Don't touch me." Tori said.

I felt hurt. "Char." I begged.

"Just... leave me alone." She said.

Then she ran out after Pete. I started to go after her, but Joe stopped me.

"Let her go," he said.

"Why should I do that?" I demanded.

"Because." Andy said. "We need to tell you what really happened."

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