Chapter twenty seven

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"Thank you! Good night!" Patrick yelled into the mic.

I smiled and clapped, even though I knew he couldn't see me.

The boys left the stage and came backstage. I'd be with them any minute now. And I was glad, because Patrick looked extra sexy tonight.

Fucking hell he was so hot.

Pete appeared first, covered in sweat and clutching his bass. "Hey, Eaton." He said.

"Hey, Wentz. Good show." I said.

He stuck his tongue out at me for whatever reason and I shook my head. Andy and Joe walked up next, Andy with his drumsticks and pulling on a shirt and Joe with his guitar.

"Hey boys." I said.

"Hey Tori." Joe said with a grin. Andy smiled at me.

We all made small talk for a few minutes before a security guard walked up.

"Who are you? I've never seen you." Pete asked.

"I'm new. It's time for the meet and greet." He said.

He was British. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who he was or who he looked like.

"Where is Patrick?" Andy asked.

"He's already there." The guy said.

"That's weird. Patrick almost always comes and sees Tori first." Pete said, looking at me as if asking what I knew. I shrugged.

"He's already there." The security guy repeated.

"Where's Marcus?" Joe asked.

"Hes with Patrick. He sent me to get you. Gentlemen, I advise you to hurry. You don't want to be late." The Brit said.

"Just go, Pete. I'll meet you on the bus." I said.

"Okay. Be careful. We'll see you soon." Pete said.

He pulled me into a hug. "Keep your phone on you. I don't trust this dick." He muttered in my ear.

"Me neither." I whispered back, before pulling away laughing.

"Pete you're so perverted!" I exclaimed dramatically. That gave an explanation on why he whispered to me.

"What can I say?" Pete asked, catching on. "I have a dirty mind."

He winked and they all walked away, and I sighed in relief and worry. Pete could be actor, and we made it past the creepy guy.

But where was Patrick really?

I'd find out.


After searching the whole place with no phone call or text from Pete, assumed that Patrick was in fact where he was supposed to be. So, I went to the bus and lay down on our double bunk. After awhile, I fell asleep.


"How the hell are we going to tell her?" I heard.

"We're not." Another voice said.

"Pete, we have to." The same other voice said.

"We can't." Pete said.


"No Andy!" Pete shouted.

My eyes fluttered open and I got to my feet. I walked to the living area of the bus and peered into the room. Pete was angrily facing Andy and Joe, who both looked stressed.

"Pete if we don't tell her then she'll find out on the news. We can't do that." Joe said.

"I'm not going to be the one to do it." Pete said.

"Tell me what?" I finally asked.

Joe stood up and started to reach for me, then pulled away.

Andy sighed and Pete looked at me with a sad look.

"Tori, Patricks gone."

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