Chapter four

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Joey came in awhile later and handed me some Chinese food. I picked at it, not hungry.

"Are you gonna eat that?" he asked.

I handed it to him.

"You alright, Tor? You've been acting weird today." He said.

"Pete and I aren't exactly the best of friends." I said.

"Pete? As in Pete Wentz?" he demanded.

"Yes, Joe. Look, it's a long story and I don't want to get into it right now and so id just like to not talk about it." I said.

He nodded. "I get it." He said.

I stood up. "I'm gonna go to bed. Are you going to work tomorrow?" I asked.

"Yeah, at seven. I'll be home before you though." He said.

"Okay. I have rehearsal tomorrow after work, so I'll be late." I said.

He gave me a smile. "Night." He said.

"Night Joey."


Patricks POV

I woke up and went across the street to the restaurant I saw yesterday. It was nearly three in the afternoon. Time to eat something.

When I walked in and sat down, a girl with a name tag reading Jamie told me my waitress would be right with me. Then she asked for an autograph. I gave her one, asking her to keep my visit quiet in return. She promised she would and left.

I started looking over my menu.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me." I heard.

I looked up. Tori was standing at my table. She was wearing a black knee length dress, and an apron over the skirt.





"Oh great. Come to ruin my life some more?" I asked coldly.

She pulled out a pen. "What the hell do you want Patrick?" She asked.

"I want you to tell me why you did it."

"I didn't do anything. And I meant what to you want to eat, asshole." Tori snapped.

I rolled my eyes. "Nothing. I've lost my appetite." I said.

"Then leave and stop holding up the table." She snapped.

I decided this was enough. I wanted answers. And I was going to get them.

"Tell me why, and I'll leave." I said.

"Patrick just go."

"Not until you answer me. And while I wait for you to, bring me a beer will you?" I asked.

Tori stomped off and came back a moment later with a Bud Light, slamming it onto the table.

"Wanna answer me now?" I asked.

She glared. "Then being me a salad." I said.

She walked off again. She was gone a little longer this time, but she came back with my food and set it down.

"Look okay?" she asked, probably out of habit.

"Looks like you could use some sleep." I said.

"I should slap you. I meant your food, Patrick." She said.

"Looks fine. Gonna give me answers?"

"There are none to give."

"Yes there is. And I'll stay all day."

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