Chapter sixteen

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Andy's POV

"Dude, are you even sure how to find them?" I asked.

"We know that Evan has her in Chicago. He's on parol for hurting Tori before, which means he can't leave the city." Patrick said.

"That doesn't mean he didn't." Joe said.

"Evan wouldn't want to draw too much attention to himself. Therefore, he hasn't left." Pete said.

Okay, so they had a point there.

"Okay, well, Chicago's a big ass city. That narrows it down, but not that much." I said.

"Well, we know Evan. He'll take her to the place she hates the most." Patrick said.

"It'll be his way of punishing her for not being with him." Pete added.

We all paused. "Where does Tori hate going the most?" Joe finally asked Patrick.

Patrick began to think about it. "She hates a lot of places. She hated her house because that was where she spent a lot of time alone. She hates sushi, but I doubt Evan has her in a sushi restaurant. God. I don't know guys." He said.

Pete's whole face suddenly lit up. "Oh my god! Patrick!" he cried.

We all looked at him, wondering what he was going on about. "The high school! Everyone who knew Tori knew that that girl hated high school because of the way those mean girls treated her. Also, that's where Evan met Tori. And I think they closed it down a year ago, which means that no one would be in there." He said.

Patrick slapped his forehead. "We've got to go." He said, grabbing his keys.

Joe and Pete exchanged a look. "Looks like we're going back to school."

Tori's POV

Evan retied me to my chair and smiled. "Always a pleasure, my dear." He said.

I spit in his face. He furiously wiped my saliva off his cheek before slapping me across the face hard.

"You're not the smartest bitch, are you?" he asked.

"Smarter than you. Do you really think you can get away with this?" I demanded.

He slapped me again. "You know what, Tori? I don't think you've learned your lesson." He said.

He removed his belt again and at first I thought he was going to rape me again. Then the leather slashed across my body and I let out an involuntary scream in pain.

Evan smiled at my agony and whipped me again and again. My whole body was stinging.

After a few minutes, he threw the belt aside and pulled out a knife. Fucking hell, he was going to kill me.

He slowly and carefully dragged the very tip of the knife down my body, making a shallow cut down my torso. I hissed as pain burned through my body, but I was trying not to scream and give him the satisfaction of breaking me.

Frowning, he moved the knife to my leg and put a deeper cut down my thigh. I cried out a little, but bit my lip quickly after.

Smirking, Evan picked up the knife and drove it down into my thigh. I couldn't help it.

I screamed.

Patricks POV

"So, this is the school. I don't see any cars or anything-do you think she's here?" Pete asked.

An agonized scream pierced through the air before I could answer.

"Tori!" I yelled.

Andy clapped a hand over my mouth. "If Evan heard you he'll kill her." He hissed in my ear.

"What do we do?" Pete demanded, looking afraid.

"We go in. One of us goes in for Tori, two of us will make a diversion to draw Evan out, and the fourth will grab him. He's going to jail this time." Joe said.

"I'll go in for Tori." I said immediately.

Joe nodded. "Andy and I will make the diversion. Pete, you may go the honors of kicking Evans ass once again." He said.

We stared for the doors of the school. Then I turned to Pete. "Hey, Pete?" I asked.


"Save a punch or two for me, will you?" I asked.

Pete smiled deviously. "Will do." He said.

We opened the door.

Evans POV (surprise!)

I heard the sound of a distant door opening. I pulled away from Tori's screaming figure and gagged her quickly, shutting her up. There were tears streaming down her face. I walked away and took the knife with me. Whoever was here would regret entering.

I left the room where I held Tori captive and went down the hallway. There were no footsteps. Perhaps I misheard? Maybe the doors hadn't opened.

That's when I heard glass breaking and running footsteps. I whirled, knife poised to stab, but no one was there.

I heard crackling behind me and saw that a single match was burning in the floor.

I approached it, ready to stomp it out. That's when I saw him. I couldn't make out the persons face, but he was tall and had a lot of hair. He rushed across the hall and I forgot about the match and went after him. When I kicked open a door, I was faced with Pete Wentz.


Tori's POV

I was still groaning from pain, and my leg was still bleeding. I didn't know where Evan had gone, or what he'd heard, but I was glad.

The door burst open and I flinched.

Spoke to soon. I thought.

"Tori, oh my god." Someone said. That wasn't Evan.

That was Patrick.

"Patrick?" I tried to ask around the gag in my mouth, wondering if I was going crazy.

And there he was, crouching in front of me. "Tori, I'm here. Shhh. It's okay now." He said. He saw my leg and gasped. "I'll take care of you." He promised.

His hand gently removed the gag and then he soothingly stroked my cheek. "It's okay." He said again.

He removed his belt. Oh god. I screamed aloud as he raised it.

Not Patrick too.

Okay so this was really short but it's late and I'm tired. And besides, I finally overcame my writers block. YAYYY! Thank you so much for reading and voting! Love you all!


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