Chapter 3

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Patricks POV

I shut the door to the dressing room behind me. My heart was pounding out of my chest.




I couldn't believe she was here. In a few minutes, she'd be in my arms for the first time in two years.

I leaned up against the wall. There was one thing that Tori said that was stuck in my head.

"Cold? You have the nerve to say I'm cold to you?!"

What the hell was she talking about? What the hell did I do to her? She sent me a letter saying she couldn't do the long relationship thing anymore. She ended. Not me. What right did she have to act like I was the bad guy? it was so unlike Tori to place blame where there wasn't any. Maybe she'd changed more than her appearance in the past two years.

I walked away from the door and back towards the stage. Pete caught up with me in the hall.

"Patrick! What the hell, man?" he asked. I knew what he was talking about. He knew as well as I did that Tori had been lying when we were out by the stage.

I shrugged and fell into step beside him. "I don't know. She's acting weird. I just talked to her." I said.

"Whoa, really? You're a braver man than I, Patrick Stump." He said.

Suddenly the Brit we met outside came into the hall. Will, I think his name was. He slowed down as he approached us. I didn't like the way he'd possessively held onto Tori. Maybe they were dating, maybe they weren't. I didn't care. Let the girl stand on her own two feet, asshole.

"Patrick!" he exclaimed.

I met his eyes and Pete and I stopped walking.

"I just wanted to apologize for Tori's behavior. Sometimes she's just like that. But I swear, you'll never meet a more talented person." Will said.

"Good to know." Pete said. If anyone had been as angry at Tori as I'd been, it had been Pete. Seeing her must piss him off as much as it pained me.

Will's gentle smile faded, and he glared at Pete.

"Listen, mate. Don't be rude to her. He talents outdo yours by a land slide, and she could outsmart you in a heartbeat. Don't cross Tori Eaton. I swear you'll regret it." He said.

Pete was clearly about to say something, but I dragged him out.

"Just walk away. He's a dick." I said.

I looked back in time to see him slip into Tori's dressing room.

Never had I wanted to hit someone so bad.

The door shut behind him, and I dragged Pete back to the stage.

Tori's POV

"Cause we could be immortals. I-i-immortals. Just not for long. For long." I sang.

I whirled, and then Patricks arms were around me. I did my best to block it out, but the truth was it was driving me crazy. I didn't want him touching me, but I had to deal with it if I was going to keep up this charade for Will and Tom.

The song ended soon enough, and I let go of Patrick's hand and walked over to Will. His hand immediately pressed into my back. I didn't mind a bit.

Patrick was eyeing me. I had to admit, he looked even more attractive than when we first met. He'd been a little chubby then, and his red hair had been long. Now it was short, swept to the side, and he was in great shape. The Patrick I knew then wouldn't be able to do the dance with me. This new Patrick was something else though.

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