Chapter fifteen

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It had been three days since I last saw Tori. It was safe to say she was missing. We'd already gone to the police. We'd already gone out with search parties and called in all the help we could. But we couldn't find her anywhere.

I was destroyed.

I had just gotten her back and now she was gone! Who had taken her? It couldn't be Will! He was still in jail!

I paced back and forth in the hotel room where she'd last been and wondered. Then a thought crossed my mind.


He would do anything to keep us apart. Hell, he sent me that letter. He could have her.

Of course that asshole had her.

I dialed Pete.


"Pete. Evan." I said.

"What?" he asked.


There was a pause.

"Fuck!" Pete shouted. .

"We have to tell the police that Evan has her!" I exclaimed.

"What if we're too late?" he asked.

My heart skipped a beat. What if we were too late?


"Don't say that." I told Pete. "We're not too late. We can't be."

I just hoped we weren't.

Tori's POV

A few hours after she disappeared

I woke up tied to a chair. I looked around, my vision blurry. Where was I? And where was Patrick? Was he okay?

Am I okay?

The door across the room opened. None other than Evan walked inside.

"Evan?!" I demanded.

"Hello, my lovely Tori." Evan said with a grin.

"What the hell? How did you get me here? What's going on?" I demanded.

"What's going on is your mine. And I won't let that fucker Patrick take you away again." Evan said.

I gaped at him. "How do you have any idea that Patrick and I are even together?!" I demanded. I didn't even know if Patrick and I were back together officially. How would Evan know?

Evan smiled. "Tori, you're mine." He said again. "Of course I keep tabs on you. I was upset Patrick didn't allow Will to finish his job on you. Otherwise we'd have been together before now."

I furiously gasped. "You sent Will?" I demanded. Will, my best friend? My partner?

Evan gave a twisted laugh that would give me nightmares for the rest of my life. "Oh, my sweet Tori. Of course I sent Will. He never loved you. He didn't even know you. I sent him to the studio and told him to get close to you, to see where you were with Patrick, and to protect you from ever falling in love again. But you weren't getting close enough. You wouldn't let him in. I told him to admit his love for you. Of course, that love doesn't exist. But you believed it did. Because, no matter how hard you fought, you trusted the Brit. You believed he loved you, just like you believed Patrick loved you. But then that asshole came back. And then you found out I sent the letter to Patrick breaking up with him. At first, when Will reported that you weren't back together with him, I felt relieved and decided not to do anything. But then he got in the way when I tried to have my way with you in the alley. Then Will said you were beginning to trust him, and I saw you were falling for him all over again. It wasn't something I could allow. So, I sent Will in to scare you. He was to beat you up, knock you out, and bring you to me. But his stupid self set your phone off and called none other than Patrick himself. And then your roommate got in the way. And they ruined everything. When you and Patrick fought and he left, I saw my chance. A rag with chloroform did the trick to knock you out, and now here you are. All mine. With no one to get in my way."

This was all too much. " didn't." I gasped.

Evan shook his head. "No, babe. Not yet." He said.

He walked over and pressed his lips right up to my ear. "I prefer my girls conscious."

Patricks POV


"I'm telling you. Evan Keel has her. I don't know where, but he's abusive and he has been trying to get ahold of her since they broke up four years ago. You have to believe me. You have to find them." I cried.

The police weren't listening! They thought we were crazy!

"Mr. Stump, please listen to me." The detective said. "There is no leads that an Evan Keel took Miss Eaton. We have every intention of looking into friends or relatives of William Calum to see if any of them could be a suspect. I understand your grieving and you miss her, but it's unethical to send us out on any old person you throw out there. Please, go home. We promise to call you if we hear anything."

"No, listen to me." I said. "Evan has her. I know he does."

"Mr. Stump, either you leave on your own or we escort you out. What's it gonna be?" he asked.

I frowned and stomped out.

I found Pete outside the station. "They don't believe me!" I cried.

"What?" Pete asked.

I explained the conversation inside.

"I will kick some ass." Pete said, sounding so much like Tori that it made my chest hurt.

"Patrick." he said.

"What?" I asked.

"We should go after her." He said.

"How? They won't find Evan!" I cried.

"No. But we can find Evan." Pete said.

I stared at him while I processed what he said. "You want to find him and save Tori on our own?" i asked finally.

Pete nodded.

"We could get Andy and Joe in on it." I said.

"You know they'd help." He said.

I nodded. "Let's call them." I said. "Let's go get Tori."

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