Chapter twenty one

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"Whoa holy shit!" Pete cried as Andy threw a gummy bear at the back of his head. Joe and I broke into a fit of laughter and Andy smirked.

"You okay, Peter?" He asked.

Pete glared at him. "Whatever the hell you did, quit it." He said.

He shot me a glare as well, knowing I could've also been the culprit, and turned back to his computer. After a few minutes, Andy threw another gummy at him.

"Damn it Andy! Stop!" Pete shouted.

I was laughing so hard it actually hurt. Andy threw another gummy, but this time Pete didn't react. After a few seconds, Andy threw another. And another. But Pete was clearly ignoring the gelatin bears bouncing off his skull.

Andy suddenly began to throw handfuls. I had to admit, Pete was being pretty cool about this. I would be screaming bloody murder and Hurley by now if it were me.

After about two or three minutes, Andy had failed to get a rise out of Pete. For a second, I thought he'd given up.

And then the whole bag of gummy bears smacked into Pete's head.

"FUCK ANDY WHAT THE HELL!?!?!" Pete exploded.

Joe and I leaned up against each other, with tears running down our faces from laughing so hard.

"Shut up, Eaton." Pete pouted.

" chance." I laughed.

"You're a bitch." he said, with a little smile creeping onto his face.

"And you're an ass." I replied.

"Uh oh, shall I ring the bell?" Patrick asked as he strode into the area of the bus where we were.

Andy jumped to his feet.

"In this corner, standing at five feet seven inches tall, weighing in at one hundred and twenty something pounds-just kidding- from Chicago Illinois, Peter Lewis Wentz III. And in this corner, the reigning defending world champion, standing at five feet two inches tall, weighing in at one hundred and seven pounds, from New York City New York, Tori Eaton!" He shouted in an announcers voice.

I stood up and bowed while Patrick and Joe cheered.

"What, no applause for me?" Pete asked.

Joe stared at him a moment.




I laughed when Joe stopped and Patrick put his arms around me.

"Don't you know you always choose the champ over the challenger?" He asked Pete.

"Don't you know you're practically dry fucking your girlfriend right in front of us?" Pete retorted.

I smacked him in the arm and Pete hissed. "Damn, you got better at that." He said.

"That's what she said." Andy giggled.

I smacked him too. "Ow!" He cried.

"Oh, grow a pair you two!" Joe said.

I smacked him next. "Ow shit!" He hissed.

"Ha! Grow a pair Joe!" Pete teased.

Patrick laughed. "You're amazing." He said.

"I know I am. It's the hair dye." Pete said.

I rolled my eyes and raised my hand like I was going to hit him again. He cowered away. I patted the top of his dyed blonde hair.

"Good boy." I said.

"Pete, Tori might as well have a whip." Andy teased.

I shot him a glare and he made himself scarce.

"I think you've given them enough nightmares for tonight, Char. Why don't we head off to bed?" Patrick said.

"Oh, Pat." I said. "I will never give them enough I nightmares."


"This ain't a scene it's a god damn arms race!" Patrick sang. "This ain't a scene it's a god damn arms race! I'm not a shoulder to cry on, but I digress."

I loved watching them perform. I loved watching Patrick sing and dance around a little around the mic while he played guitar.

They finished This Ain't A Scene and moved on to Alone Together. I loved this song so much. Patrick knew it too.

"I don't know where you're going but do you got room for one more troubled soul? I don't know where I'm going but I don't think I'm going home! And I said, I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead. This is the road to ruin, and we started at the end. Say yeah! Let's be alone together! We could stay young forever! We'll stay young young young young." He sang as loudly as he could.

I smiled hugely.

Suddenly Patrick stopped singing.

"Hey, let's stop for just a minute." He said.

The boys stopped playing and Pete shot him a grin.

"Can I go get her?" He asked Patrick.

"Just call her out here." Patrick said.

Pete smiled. "Yo! Eaton! Get your skinny ass out here!" He shouted.

Wait, what? Me? They wanted me to go out onstage?

I slowly stepped out on to the stage and Patrick stretched his arm towards me, and I gratefully walked over to stand beside him.

"Ladies and gentlemen this is Tori Eaton, my beautiful girlfriend who I love very very much." He said.

The crowd cheered and awwd.

"Tori, the reason I brought you out here is because I want to give you something." Patrick said.

The crowd then did something odd. "Tori! Tori! Tori!" They shouted.

I blushed furiously and looked at Patrick. Why had he pulled me out here?

"What is it?" I asked him.

Suddenly Patrick slid to his knee.

"Tori Charlotte Eaton, will you take this ring and marry me?" He asked.

I gasped. This was too fast. Too soon. We'd been back together for like, three months. Marriage? Marriage!? The crowd was screaming. Oh my god how could he ask me this while we were out there in front of thousands of people.

"Oh my god, Patrick..." I gasped.

I couldn't delay this. I needed to answer. As quickly as I could, I decided.

And then I told Patrick.

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