Chapter seventeen

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"Tori!" Patrick exclaimed.

I stopped screaming when his belt never hit me.

"Babe, calm down. I won't hit you." He said.

He carefully tied the belt over the wound in my leg and pulled it tight. "It'll stop the bleeding." He told me.

"I-I thought-" I stammered.

"Shhhh. I won't hurt you. You know that." Patrick soothed me.

He began to untie me from the chair and then helped me up. "What about Evan?" I asked.

"Pete and Joe and Andy are taking care of him." Patrick said.

"W-where's the police?" I asked.

"They didn't want to believe Evan had you. We weren't stupid, however." He said.

I hissed in pain as he picked me up. My leg was still in agony. "I know. Were taking you straight to a hospital. Everything's going to be okay." He said.

I finally broke down and began to sob.

Patrick's POV

Tori started to cry and my heart ached. Who knew what Evan had done to her in the past few days and now she was in even more pain.

"Shhh, babe. I'm here now. So's Pete and Andy and Joe. You're safe now. Evan won't hurt you anymore." I said.

She continued sobbing and buried her head in my shoulder.

"Everything's alright now babe. I'm getting you out of here." I said. I hated to see her cry. It was such a rare sight. I couldn't stand it.

"Tori?" I asked. I hated to, but I had to.

"Y-yes?" She stammered.

"Did Evan hurt you other than stabbing you and hitting you?" I asked. There was no doubt he'd hit her. There were marks all over her.

"He-he-he ra-" she broke off sobbing, choking on the disgusting word.

"It's okay. I understand." I said calmly.

I was going to kill Evan.

I carried Tori out of the school and the police had not yet arrived. Pete had Evan tied up and pinned up against the wall, and Andy and Joe were waiting. Joe was on the phone, presumably with emergency services.

"The cops and an ambulance are on the way." Andy said.

"Good. Take Tori. She can't walk." I said, placing her in his arms. It had only been three days, but she felt considerably lighter. Had he fed her at all?

Andy stuttered something out as he cradled Tori in his arms, and she gasped in pain.

I walked over to where Pete had Evan. "Did you do as I asked?" I asked.

Pete grinned. "Of course." He said.

I grabbed Evan by the collar and dragged him around the building, so Tori wouldn't see. I didnt need her being afraid of me too.

"This is for the first time you bit Tori." I said, punching his jaw hard. He slumped and Pete heaved him back up.

"And this is for every time after that." I said, punching him five or six times.

He was groaning. The sirens could be heard as the police and Tori's ambulance neared us.

"And this is for taking her away from me for two years." I continued, kicking him in the stomach.

Pete hauled him up again when he slumped. "And this is for taking her away from me for three days." I finished, kneeing him in the crotch.

Pete hauled Evan up one last time and we made our way back to Tori and the others. But then I stopped and punched Evan again.

"What was that one for?" Pete asked.

I smiled a little. "One he'd remember while he's in prison."


Tori's POV

I woke up in a hospital bed. There were IVs and tubes stuck in my arms, and a heart monitor was beeping beside my head.

I groaned and Patrick appeared, his hand clutching mine. "Tori," he breathed.

I weakly squeezed his hand. "I'm sorry I never told you about the baby." I said.

He shook his head. "Don't be. I overreacted. I'm sorry I got so mad." He said.

I reached up with a shaking hand and touched his face. "Maybe one day we'll make another one." I said.

He smiled. "I just made one. Let's wait awhile." he said.

I grinned a little, and then there were tears in my eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you in pain?" He asked.

No, I wasn't. I couldn't really feel anything.

"I...I was remembering everything." I cried. "Is-is Evan gone?"

Patrick nodded. "He's gone. And he admitted to everything, including Will's involvement. You're safe." He said.

"What about Joey? Does he know I'm okay?" I asked.

Patrick nodded again. "He's been here, actually. He left awhile ago to go to work." He said.

"And the others?" I asked.

"Joe went back to the hotel last night to get some sleep. He said he'd come back when you woke up. Andy has been in and out-he's out now. Went to get some sleep as well. Pete never leaves. He's in the cafeteria right now. And I've been here, waiting to see those pretty eyes again." He said.

I smiled weakly. "How long has it been?" I asked.

"A day and a half. You lost a lot of blood, and you went through a lot. The doctors said to let you rest." He said.

"Will I be okay?" I asked.

He nodded. "They're biggest concerns were the blood loss and severe dehydration. But you're on a blood and water drip now, and you're all stitched up. Now that you're awake, they should let you go. Though you'll be on bed rest for awhile. Good news though, Evan didn't hurt your knee anymore. It's actually healing pretty well." He said.

"Good. I'll be dancing again when I can." I said.

Patrick smiled. "I'm going to go get the doctor. Are you hungry?" He asked.

"Yes. Evan fed me like, once the whole time he had me." I said.

"Okay. I'll get a doctor and then find Pete. I'm sure hell get you some food." He said.

With that he vanished out the door.

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