Chapter thirty one

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"Patrick!" I cried.

I fell to my knees and pulled him into my arms. But he was fighting me. Why? Didn't he want me?

"No-Tori-run." He said.

I looked at him wildly. "What? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Tori! Run!" Patrick yelled, using the car to get to his feet. Then he saw Pete.

"Pete, you've gotta go too. Protect her. Please." He said.

"Patrick, slow down. We'll all just get in the car and go." Pete said.

Patrick then did something he'd never done before. He grabbed me by both of my arms and shoved me roughly into the car. I screamed, he didn't really hurt me, but I was scared.

"I said go!" He shouted.

He tried to shove Pete in too, but Pete wouldn't allow it. Instead he grabbed Patrick and shoved him into the backseat. "No!" Patrick yelled.

I cringed away from him, cowering against the dashboard. Patrick was screaming things at Pete, at me, at god, and who knows who else. Pete got into the car and drove off.

"Pete, I'm scared." I sobbed.

"You're okay. Patricks just a little delusional." Pete said.

I was still shaking and Patrick was still yelling. I noticed Pete was pulling into a hotel. "Aren't we going to the hospital?" I asked

"No. We're going to calm Patrick down first." Pete said.

He stopped the car and heaved Patrick out of the backseat. Patrick was still fighting. "I'm going to get him to quiet down. Take my card-" he tossed me the plastic card-"and go get us two rooms for the night." He said.

I did as he said and by the time I came back Pete had managed to stop Patricks thrashing. Now, my fiancé was just totally rigid in his best friends arms. Pete practically dragged him into the hotel and I lead us to our rooms.

"So, this is yours. And this is ours." I said.

"No. That's yours. This is ours. For now at least." Pete said.

"What?" I asked.

"You're going to get some sleep. You're exhausted and terrified. I'm going to take care of Patrick. Don't worry. He's gonna be fine." He said.

"I don't want to be away from him." I said.

"Tori," Pete said quietly. "It's not safe. I'll come get you soon. Patrick will be fine."

I finally gave in, took one last look at Patrick, and went into my room.


"Do you, Tori Charlotte Eaton, take Patrick to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The minister asked.

I smiled. "I do." I said.

"And do you Patrick Vaughn Stump, take Tori to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asked Patrick.

Patrick was smiling, and his eyes were shining. "I d-" he was cut off by a loud band.

His hands slipped out of mine, and he landed on the floor. People screamed, the minister grabbed me and tried to pull me away, but I was on my knees beside Patrick. i ran my hands over his face, and then through his hair.

They came away bloody.

"So sorry, Tori." Will said, appearing next to me.

"But we couldn't let you marry him." Evan finished from behind the minister.

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