Chapter twenty four

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Patrick and I were sitting at the table when Pete came rushing in.

"Eaton! Stump! Get your asses in here!" He cried.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asked.

"You'll see in a second just come on!" He said.

Patrick stood up and offered me his hand. "Such a gentleman." I said playfully.

"Would you two stop flirting you're engaged for gods sake stop acting like fifteen year olds SHES NOT GOING ANYWHERE PATRICK NOW COME THE FUCK ON!" Pete shouted.

"Easy, Wentz." I said, standing and following him to his and Andy and Joes room.

"What is going on?" Patrick asked.

"Andy's about to prank call Katy Perry!" Joe cried.

I scowled. "I thought this was an emergency!" I cried.

"It is an emergency! Don't you know Katy is the queen of pranks? We will never hear the end of it if Andy goes through with this!" Pete cried.

"That's not an emergency!" Patrick exclaimed.

Suddenly the tv began blaring.

"Breaking news!"

We all turned our attention to the screen. My heart stopped when I saw both Evans and Wills face on it.

"We interrupt network television to warn all who are watching that these two convicted criminals have escaped from prison. Both William Calstrum and Evan Keel have been convicted with the abuse of Tori Eaton, and Keel was also convicted of kidnapping, rape, and torture. If you see these men, let your local police department know immediately." The announcer said.

Then the screen changed back to regular tv.

"Okay, that is a real emergency." Pete said.

Patricks POV

"Char?" I asked. Tori hadn't looked away from the screen. She was ramrod straight, tense and unmoving.

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked.

She gasped for air, and then it sounded like she was choking.

"Patrick she's having a panic attack!" Pete cried.

I snatched her up into my arms and placed her on the couch.

"Tori, baby, please. Come back to me." I called.

She was already too far gone to hear me. She thrashed in my arms, and I held her down.

"I don't know where you're going but do you got room for one more troubled soul. I don't know where I'm going but I don't think I'm coming home. And I said. I'll check in tomorrow if I don't wake up dead. This is the road to ruin. And we started at the end." I sang.

But for the first time ever, she didn't respond. I knew what I'd have to do now, and it was something I dreaded doing.

"Pete I can't do it." I said.

He knew what I meant and pulled Tori off the couch and held her against his body. She fought and fought and screamed like a maniac, and I called her name. But she didn't stop. Pete covered her mouth and nose with his hand, blocking her airway. This of course made matters worse at first, and I had to look away. But then her screams died down, and she went limp in Pete's arms.

"She's out." Andy told me.

I looked back and saw her passed out in Pete's arms.

"God."i breathed, quickly taking her from him.

"Take her back to your room. She'll wake up soon." Pete advised.

I nodded and did just that.


Tori's POV

When I woke up Patrick was sitting beside me, holding onto my hand. "Hey baby." He said.

"Please tell me it was a nightmare." I said.

He squeezed my hand sympathetically and shook his head. "I wish I could." He whispered.

A lot of emotions flooded through me at that moment. Anger, fear, pain, and sadness.

Anger, because they just wouldn't let me live my life.

Fear, because now they were both out and sure to come after me.

Pain, because I was remembering everything they both put my through.

Sadness, for a reason unknown to me.

"Tori, I won't let them anywhere near you." Patrick said.

I wished I could believe him.

Oooh what's gonna happen next? Comment what you think!


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