Chapter thirty five

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Bad news,

Next chapter is the last one. I'll do an epilogue and maybe a sequel, but only if y'all want one! So comment comment comment!

Love you all!

"Do you think Will or Evan will figure out where we've gone?" I asked.

"Of course they won't." Patrick said. "And even if they do, the police will have us moved before they can get to us."

"What about our wedding?" I asked.

"Hey, we could get married in Hawaii!" He exclaimed.

"Everybody gets married in Hawaii." I said.

"Damn, Eaton. No need to be a downer." Pete said.

I rolled my eyes at him. Patrick had apologized and Pete had of course accepted the apology. What else did best friends do?

Speaking of best friends, there was good news. Because of their close contact with me, Joey and Jamie were coming to Hawaii with us.

"We'll figure it out, Char." Patrick said, kissing my cheek.

"Patrick!" Someone called from the door.

"Yeah?" He asked, looking. It was Elisa.

"The baby is kicking!" She cried.

Patrick dropped everything and rushed over to her, placing his hand over her stomach. "Oh my god!" He cried. "Holy smokes! My baby is kicking! Hi baby! It's daddy!"

Elisa giggled and I felt a pang in my chest. That could've been my baby, but I lost mine.

"Tori, come on. You should feel this too, stepmommy." Elisa said.

I sure was glad she was nice to me. I tentatively walked over and felt the baby kicking her stomach. It was crazy. But it made me hurt even more. Ever since I lost that baby I'd pushed it down, trying to forget about it. But with pregnant Elisa around that was hard to do.

"Tori, are you okay?" Pete asked me.

I nodded. "I'm just happy." I said.

Patrick hugged me and Elisa both. "So am I." He said excitedly. He was going to be a great father.

"Excuse me a second, I'm gonna ask Joey and Jamie when their flight is." I said.

I went out onto the balcony and stared out over the city.

"Tori, are you sure you're okay?" Pete asked from behind me.

"I had a baby. It was Patricks too." I said quietly.

"Where is it?" He asked.

"It died. I had a miscarriage." I said.

"Im so sorry Tori. This must be killing you." Pete said, hugging me.

"It is. But don't tell Patrick. I can't stand to ruin this for him. Promise me you won't tell." I said.

Pete frowned. "Are you sure? Maybe he should know." he said.

"I'm sure. Promise me, Pete." I said.

Pete sighed. "Fine." He said. "I promise."

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