Chapter ten

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I woke up to the sound of a door slamming. I instantly thought of Will, and began to panic. I struggled to sit up. He's back. He's back to finish me off. I thought.

"Tori," I heard. I looked up and saw Patrick. Immediately I relaxed.

Patrick was shirtless and hatless. A rare sight. I sat up, the sheet falling down off of my chest. I quickly pulled it back up.

"Easy. It's just Pete and the others coming back in." He said, sitting next to me.

I let out a breath. "I should get dressed then, yeah?" I asked.

Pat smiled. "Unfortunately." He said.

He helped me up and handed me my clothes. "Um, I'm okay. You don't have to help me." I said, blushing.

Patrick chuckled. "Thin as a rail and you still feel fat." He murmured, hooking my bra for me.

"I..." I trailed off.

He just chuckled again and helped me get my jeans over my knee brace.

"I'll go stall the guys. You got your shirt?" he asked.

"I had all of it." I told him.

He grinned. "You telling me I'm not allowed to help you?" he asked.


He kissed my mouth. "Not happening." He said.

He pulled a shirt on and placed his fedora on his head. "They're going to notice me come out of the bedroom." I said.

He reached for the door. "Tell them you went to the bathroom." He said.

He opened the door and walked out.

I sighed and pulled my shirt over my head before I stood up. I could hear Patrick quietly alerting the boys that I was still here. And then I heard Pete.


I took that as my cue to walk in. "Hey boys." I said.

"Oh, my god. She knows who we are." Joe said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, guys. But in my defense, you hated me for something I didn't do too." I said.

I saw Patrick smile and I tried not to grin back.

"Touché, Tori." Andy said.

I let myself grin now and then Pete ran over and hugged me tight. "I never hated you, babe! I pretended to, but I promise I never really did!" he cried.

"Can't breathe." I wheezed.

He released me and helped me sit down on the couch. "So, did you two do it?" He asked.

I groaned. "No, Pete. Drop it." I said.

"They did!" Joe yelled.

"We did not!" I lied.

"I don't think we're getting out of this, Char." Patrick laughed.

I groaned and leaned back against the couch. "Shut it, Pete." I said.

He closed his mouth and Patrick started laughing. "Still know me better than anyone, I see." Pete laughed along.

I smiled tiredly. "I guess so." I said.

"So, what do you say we all sing the next song?" Andy asked, sitting down next to me.

"You'll have to be patient. Tori doesn't know the new songs." Patrick said.

I sat up. "Actually..." I said, trailing off.

Patrick eyed me. "So, Alone Together may be my favorite song." I said, blushing.

Pete started laughing. "I don't understand why you do that, Eaton. It's okay to like our music." He said.

"Yeah well I was supposed to hate you guys, remember?" I said, giggling. I glanced at Patrick. He hadn't said anything.

"Are you mad?" I mouthed.

He gave me a huge grin. "No." he mouthed back.

I smiled back and Pete plopped down next to me, causing me to bounce. I gasped as my ankle shifted, and it was then Patricks face turned angry.

"Pete!" he hissed. "What the hell man? Are you trying to re-break her fucking ankle?!"

I looked at him, startled. Patrick hardly ever cursed. "Easy, Pat. I'm fine." I said.

"Sorry, dude. I didn't mean to." Pete said.

"It's okay, Pete." I told him.

I looked to Patrick. He didn't look like he was over it yet.

"Patrick I'm okay. Really." I said.

He sighed. "I just don't want to see you hurt again." He breathed.

"D'awwwwe!" Pete cooed.

I swatted his arm and smiled at Patrick. "Shut the fuck up." I said. I had bad language. Who the hell cares?

Patrick smiled. "I missed that." He said.

"What? Her nasty mouth? Because that's kind of weird." Joe commented.

"No, her hitting Pete. It's fun to watch because he pouts." Patrick said.

Sure enough, Pete's bottom lip was stuck out when I looked at him.

"Awe, Pete. Don't do that to me." I said.

He crossed his arms like a two year old and stayed quiet.

"Do you want me to kiss it better?" I asked playfully.

"Would it piss off Patrick?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Then yes. Right here." He tapped the corner of his mouth.

I leaned in close enough to kiss him and then slapped him in the back of the head.

"What the hells the matter with you?!" I demanded.

Patrick was literally doubled over laughing, Joe had tears on his cheeks and Andy was holding his stomach. Pete tried to suppress a laugh but failed.

"You know I love you, Petey." I joked.

His face lit up. "I LOVE YOU TOO CHARLOTTE!" He shouted.

"Ow! Ears, Wentz! Ears!" I yelled.

"What about them?" he asked.

"They're bleeding!"

And then we were all laughing together.

Just like old times.

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