Chapter nine

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The next morning Joey woke me up before he went to work.

"Need me to bring you anything?" he asked.

I wondered if he remembered my birthday.

"No, I'm good. Thanks." I said.

"Okay. Be careful with Patrick today. I'll be home soon." Joey said.

I nodded and he left, hopefully locking the door behind him.

My phone started ringing a bit later.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Tori! Did you hear about Will? He attacked some girl and went to jail!" Jamie shouted into my ear.

I sighed. "Yeah, I know." I said.

"Oh, Tori I'm so sorry. You must be so upset." Jamie said.

"No. It's not that. I was the girl he attacked." I told her.

"WHAT? I WILL KICK HIS ASS!" She shouted.

"Don't, Jamie. It's over." I said.

I knew she wouldn't remember my birthday. I'd never told her.

"Well, are you okay? They said on the news that the victim of the attack had a dislocated knee." She said.

"They wer right. But I'm fine. I'll just be out of work a little longer." I said.

"That's fine. I'll share my tips or something." She said.

I smiled even though she couldn't see me. "Thanks, Jamie." I said.

"No problem. You're probably really tired. I'll let you be." She said.

"Thanks. Bye girl." I said.


Patricks POV

"Dude, that's fucked up." Pete said.

"I know. I felt so bad. I still do." I said.

"Hey, isn't today her birthday?" he asked.

I nodded. "I have a plan for that. It's a surprise though." I told him.

He grinned. "You're still whipped man." He joked.

I shoved him. "Shut up." I said.

Pete laughed and stood up. "Well, we're on our way out. See you later. And good luck today with Tori." He said.

"Thanks man." I said.

He'd begun to warm up to her again after Tori and I made up. But they weren't as close as they'd once been. Pete and Tori had been like brother and sister-the rare kind that told each other everything and were furiously protective over each other.

He smiled. "Tell her happy birthday for me. I miss that girl. The old one. Maybe she'll come back to us." He said.

Then they left and I turned on the tv. It was only eight in the morning, Tori was probably still sleeping. I'd call her in a few hours and then go pick her up.

I leaned back onto the couch. I wanted to go back to sleep but I couldn't. I closed my eyes, remembering the day id met Tori Eaton.


"Dude I'm not doing it." I said to Michael. He was trying to get me to forget about joining another band. But the guy-Joe something-wanted me to meet the guy who he said was "going to be a kickass bassist one day".

"You can't be in two bands at once!" Michael snapped.

"Yes I can. Now, let it go will you?" I asked.

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