Poor Man, Rich Woman Ep9

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When I looked at Jungkook, I wanted to cry, why was he standing right in front of me, holding an umbrella? Did he care about me? How did he even find me? Was this like a drama, maybe because I'm meant to be with him, I'll always see him.

I was just staring without saying a word, I couldn't; one I was too cold to say anything, and two I was surprised, I just had broken up with my boyfriend, I was crying not too long ago, but when I seen Jungkook's face, I forgot about everything. My heart was beating so hard I thought it was going to jump out of my rib cage.

"What are you staring at?! Take the umbrella, I don't have all day." Jungkook said with a deep voice that sent shivers down my spine. He didn't seem happy to see me, and it looked like he wanted to leave as fast as he can.

I reached over and grabbed the umbrella, our hands almost touched, but he pulled away as soon as I got a grip on the umbrella. Jungkook started walking away, but I couldn't just let him, curiosity was killing me. "Jungkook!! Wait."

Jungkook turned around, looking at me obviously irritated. "What do you want?!" Jungkook asked, voice almost yelling. I flinched a little and spoke. "Uhhhh, why did you give me this umbrella, do you ca-.."

Jungkook chuckled which made me stop talking, even though he had a smile on his face, it looked like it was forced. "I just did what anyone would've done if they saw a human being walking in the rain with no umbrella. I would've done it to anyone else. Plus...I didn't even know it was you until you turned around. So don't jump into any conclusions." Jungkook walked away after striking me with hurtful words. I watched him walk away, still dumbstruck, hurt, but mostly disappointed.

Third Person POV--

Jungkook left Y/N with a cold heart, but was it his real feelings? When he was walking back to his job, he could feel tears coming down. He might've acted like he didn't care, but the truth was, he did. Jungkook felt the warm drops on his face, and smiled, looking up at the sky. "I'm glad it's raining, or these tears would've been visible."

Jungkook walked back into the shop, walking to the front desk where he worked. He couldn't sit down, because his clothes were now wet. Jungkook grabbed some extra clothes he always carried in his bag, and walked to the restroom, because he wasn't going to stay in those wet clothes, especially when he had the night shift today.

After Jungkook was changed, he walked back to the front desk, luckily there wasn't anybody waiting for him, to ring up their things.

He sat down, and his attention went straight to the ground, realizing he had wet the floor. Jungkook took a deep breath and standing up and making his way to the janitor closet, he grabbed the mop, and walked back to his spot, where the water was all over.

Jungkook shook his head in annoyance, the water he had brought in was everywhere, it started from next to the door and ended at the front desk.

Jungkook wiped his sweat with the back of his hand when he was done mopping. Walking back to his spot, he sat down just going through some homework. When he was done doing his homework, he started studying for a quiz he had next week.

Jungkook lost in his notes, he didn't realize the customer that came in. The customer roamed around the shop, grabbing what he needed, and finally walking to the front desk to get it checked.

When he got to the front desk he put his stuff down almost slamming them. Jungkook looked up, his eyes widening immediately when he saw the customer, Jungkook wished he never worked here.

The person standing in front of him was his uncle, the uncle that Jungkook hated the most, he never cared for Jungkook, when Jungkook made money his uncle would beat him up and take it, just so he can go get drunk.

He would only abuse Jungkook, he never even cared for his own mother (Jungkook's grandma). This uncle would only come eat, grab some money and leave. That's why Jungkook hated him.

It had already been 3 years since Jungkook last seen him and he was more than happy about that. After Jungkook and his grandma made enough money to move, they left their old house not telling his careless uncle where they were going, so he wouldn't bother them.

Now that he was standing right in front of him, Jungkook couldn't think straight, he tried not to look but just couldn't. "You prick what are you waiting for, ring them up?!!" Jungkook gave the man he hated the most a little bow, and started ringing his things up.

His uncle didn't realize it was Jungkook at first, but he watched Jungkook very carefully, the way Jungkook moved his hands, grabbing the items and putting them into the bags. His uncle now knew who worked so well, who moved his hand in sync with the bag and items. It was the one and only Jungkook, his nephew.

"Ahhh~ Now I remember you, I was too drunk to realize who was in front of me, now that I'm a little sober, I finally knew you~ How've you been Jungkook?!" His uncle spoke with a smirk on his face. The items in Jungkook's hands dropped, he was afraid, his hands started shaking and he didn't know how to stop them.

Jungkook decided to ignore his uncle, and finish ringing up his things. "Ahhh~ I see...you're ignoring me? You think it's going to help you escape or something? Well you're wrong!!" He snatched the bags in Jungkook's hands throwing them to the ground. Jungkook looked at the bag on the floor, and swallowed. He was scared, he couldn't control his shaking hand.

He grabbed Jungkook by his collar, punching him across the face. Jungkook stumbled to the ground falling on his bottom. He didn't dare to look up at his uncle, he got flashbacks on how his uncle would beat him, and nobody would do anything.

He would beat him on the street, at work, and sometimes at school. "You bastard!! How dare you take my mother away from me, and live somewhere without telling me!! Did you think I would never find you!! That you were going to stay safe, away from me!! Ughh!! So foolish Jungkook!!" Jungkook's uncle looked around the shop, it looked like he was looking for something.

After he found what he was looking for, he let out a satisfied smirk and started walking towards the mop Jungkook just mopped with.

Here comes another secession from my abusive uncle....


Poor Man, Rich Woman || J.J.K(Completed) Where stories live. Discover now